10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (2024)

Writing plot twists is much harder than it looks.

As readers, we’re used to devouring mind-blowing twists and turns, marvelling at the cleverness of the writers who devised them.

But as writers behind the scenes, it’s difficult to dream up new and innovative ways of subverting readers’ expectations.

If you want to writestories that surprise and intrigueyour audience, we’ve got 10simple tips to help you master the art of the plot twist.

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (1)

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1. Approach your story as a reader

This may seem obvious, but it’s one of the most important steps you can take towards writing effective plot twists.

When you’re plotting and planning your novel, constantly put yourselfin the reader’s shoes. Imagine how you might react to this particular story.

In which directionwould you automatically expect the story to go? What potential twists and turns immediately come to mind?

Note all these down, and then discard every one of them as a potential plot twist.

If you think there’s even the slightest chance that a reader canforesee a plot twist, they probably can.

Most readers’ minds work in similar ways – especially genre readers, who are used to the conventions and standardsof their genre. Any narrativeturns you immediately think of will most likely be thought of by your readers, too.

To combat predictability in your plot, try thinking about the complete opposite of every twist or turn you’ve noted down above.

If your narrative naturally begins to lean towards a certain outcome or event, try steering it in the complete opposite direction and see what happens.

When you eventually think of something that takes even you by surprise, you’ll know you’re on the right track for a successful plot twist.

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2.Use subtle misdirection

You may have heard that misdirection is the magician’s greatest tool, but it’s also extremely handy for writers.

Guiding readers’ attention gently away from a potential plot direction will make it all the more surprising when you reveal the twist.

Your aim should be to make them think they know what’s going on, then subvert that notion entirely.

There are many toolsyou can use to achievemisdirection, including…

  • Red herrings – planting false clues or pieces of information designed to steer readers in the wrong direction.
  • Dead ends – firmly dispelling outcomes your readers (and characters) thought they saw coming.
  • Misguided attention – carefully burying real hints or clues in scenes where the reader won’t be paying close attention to them; for example, in afight scene, where the reader is too caught up inthe fast-paced action to think too hard abouta cleverly dropped hint.

Note: You’ll notice that we used the word ‘subtle’ above – remember that. If you try too hard to steer readers in the wrong direction, they’ll notice.

And if they pick up on what you’re doing, they’ll either recognise the misdirection for what it is, or assume you’re trying to ‘hold their hand’ and guide them far too obviouslytowards a certain outcome.

You don’t want any of that to happen. Your readers want to feel respected by you as the writer, not babied or cheated.

The key is to guide your audienceinto believing something so easily and naturally,they’ll swear they thought of it themselves – and that’s when you can plant a plot twist and really shake things up!

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (3)


3. Use even subtler foreshadowing

Foreshadowing is a vital element thatprecedes any good plot twist. It involves planting extremely subtle clues that hint at the twistto come.

Again, when we say ‘subtle’ here, wemean subtle. So subtle that these hints may not even be noticed by readers the first time around, but looking back, will make perfect sense.

You want readers to be slapping their foreheads, saying, ‘Of course! How could I not haveseen this coming?’

We like what authorK.M. Weiland has to say about foreshadowing:

Foreshadowing’s great strength lies in its ability to create a cohesive and plausible story. If readers understand that it’s possible that someone in your story may be murdered, they won’t be completely shocked when the sidekick gets axed down the road. If, however, you failed to properly foreshadow this unhappy event, readers would be jarred … They would think you had, in essence, lied to them so you could trick them with this big shocker.”

There’s a fine line to tread when it comes to foreshadowing. You need to strike a balance between giving enough detail to make the twist believable and plausible, and keeping enough hidden so that the twist comes as a surprise.

Another thing to remember is that every hint youdo plant needs to actually come to fulfilment. Think ofthis classic advice from Anton Chekhov, known as ‘Chekhov’s Gun’…

If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it there.”

If you’re struggling to add subtle and effective foreshadowing as you write, try leaving it out of your first draft. Then come back to weave it in when you revise your manuscript.

This way you’ll have a clearer view of the big picture, and you can ensure any hints you drop are subtle and properly fulfilled.

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (4)

4. Let your characters create the plot twists

As with every aspect of writing, it’s possible to overthink things when it comes to plot twists. Sometimes, trying too hard to create clever twists can leave you frustrated and stuck, or make your writing feel inauthentic.

When this happens, try taking a step back. Stop trying to consciously create twists and turns, and allow the characters to guide the story instead.

One method you may want to try is freewriting. This involves letting go of your thoughts and inhibitions and simply letting the words flow forth freely.

With freewriting, you never stop to think too hard about what you’re writing; instead, you write continuously for a set period of time or number of pages, allowing whatever is in your mind to escape onto the page.

Try this exercise with your characters. Write a conversation or scenario as freely as you can and see where your characters take you.

Freewriting like this can help to take your story in directions you never expected. And if it’s unexpected for the writer, it will be even more of a surprise for the reader!

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (5)

5. Ensure your twist is believable and necessary – and makes sense

While plot twists, by definition, are sudden, unexpected and even shocking changes of direction, they must still be realistic and sensible.

No matter how unpredictable it might be, a plot twist that’s outlandish or doesn’t make sense is not effective. Readers won’t be impressed – in fact, they’ll probably just roll their eyes, and may even stop reading in frustration.

Don’t resort to gimmicks, andnever introduce a plot twist just for the sake of including one. Itmust always serve to further the story in some way – preferably a way that readers find believable, and a way that fits naturally within the narrative.

If a plot twist exists simply for the sake of being shocking or dramatic, readers will see right through it and may even feel cheated, which is the last thing you want.Rachel Scheller of Writer’s Digest puts it best:

Readers want their emotional investment to pay off. The twist should never occur in a way that makes them feel tricked, deceived, or insulted. Great twists always deepen, never cheapen, readers’ investment in the story.”

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (6)


6. Disguise a plot twist… within a plot twist

This one sounds a little complicated, but bear with us.

This method involves delivering a plot twist, which readers will think is THE plot twist – and then following it up with an evenbigger twist.

Readers won’t expect another radical reveal so soon after the initial twist. They’ll probably still be reeling from the first turn of events, so will be doubly surprised when the plot changes direction yet again.

To make this method work, the first plot twist must be unexpected, but nottoo big, shocking or dramatic. It should be just enough to surprise the reader before you really blow their mind with that second reveal.

As author Chuck Wendig puts it:

The initial problem… is something of a stalking horse –it’s a bit of magical misdirection that the protagonist and the readers fall for while the real problem waits in the shadows to be exposed.”

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (7)

7. Create a subplot that means more than readers think

Readers are used to subplots in novels. They sit nicely alongside the main plot, providing interest, diversion, conflict and character development, among other things.

This makes them the perfect vessel for plot twists!

Cleverly composed subplots can lead towards twists that readers never see coming.

There are a number of ways you can create a plot twist withina subplot:

  • The subplot may feed importantly into,or even end upbecoming, the main (or most important) plotline. This createsthe sort of turn that makes readers say, ‘Oh, so that’s what the story hasreallybeen about all along…’
  • The subplotmay interact/intertwine with the main plot in an unexpected or unusual way.
  • The subplot may be much more important to the overall story than it initially appears to be.
  • The subplot may distract from what’s really going on in the main plot, meaning you can drop a twist in the main plot that will take readers completely by surprise.
10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (8)

8. Adopt a ‘no-one is safe’ mentality

Here’s something to remember when writing fiction: things don’t always have to end well.

Not every story has to go theexpected ‘happy ending’ route. Not every character has to survive and thrive. Your protagonist doesn’t always have to save the day and succeed in achieving their goals.

In fact, takingthe opposite route can allow you to subvert readers’ expectations and create a more interesting, realistic and engaging story.

Perhaps the biggest proponent of this method is good old George R. R. Martin ofA Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones fame.

Who could forgetthat moment in the first book/season where ***SPOILER ALERT*** our main character and hero, Ned Stark, is suddenly relieved of his head?

This particular character death makes an extremely effective twist for a number of reasons.

First of all, readers aren’t expecting someone who is, for all intents and purposes, the story’s main character, to be killed off almost immediately!

It’s also a darkly realistic event; there are no miraculous get-out-of-jail-free cards to be had in Westeros, despite it being a fantasy world.

And finally – perhaps most importantly – thisunexpected death sets in motion a chain of events that takes the story to a whole new level.

Now, we know GRRM is the master of the ‘no-one is safe’ mentality. But if you’re going to adopt this mindset yourself,you must tread cautiously and carefully.

The main thing to remember is not togo killing off characters every which way just for shock value.

Remember how we advised against resorting to gimmicky twists? Well, killing everybody just for dramatic effect falls firmly under the ‘gimmick’ category!

Readers will feel cheated if they feel you’re simply toying with their emotions. And besides –the shock (and enjoyment) factor definitely starts to wear offif every character suddenly starts dropping dead for no real reason.

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (9)

9.Keep up the momentum after the big reveal

It’s not enough to create a great build-up to a fascinating plot twist. What comesafter the twist is just as important.

There’s no point putting all your effortinto making a plot twist work, and then dropping the ball with the remaining narrative.

If anything, your plot twist should rampup the action/tension/intrigue, not act as a high point followed by a lull.

One of the main points of a plot twist is that it entices your audience to keep reading, desperate to find out what happens next. Don’t disappoint them by letting the momentum slow down too much after the twist.

Of course, some plot twists may be revealed right at the end of a book, but even then, there is generally some follow-up.

Wherever your plot twists are located, they must be preceded and followed bynarrative that’sconsistently solid and engaging.

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (10)

10. Test your twists on beta readers

Remember in our first tip how we asked you to step into the reader’s shoes? Well, now it’s time to test your plot twists onsomeactual readers.

The best way to do this is by giving your novel to beta readers.

If you’re unfamiliar with the beta reader process, check out our Ultimate Guidedetailing how to work with beta readers, but basically, this is kind of like screening a film for a test audience.

Your beta readers will provide feedback on your manuscript from a reader’s perspective. This feedback will be really handy when you’re trying to determine whether your plot twists are successful in surprising and intriguing your audience.

Make sure you ask your beta readers specifically whether the plot twists were effective, and if not, what didn’t work for them.

Ask whether they saw the twists coming, whether there was sufficient and effective foreshadowing, and whether the twists wereplausible as well as surprising.

However, don’t mention any of this to your readersuntilafterthey’ve read the book. If youtalk about it beforehand, they’ll probably be actively keeping an eye out for twists, which means they won’t be able to react to them the same way a ‘normal’reader would.

10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (11)


Ready to make jaws drop? Time to start cooking up somemind-blowing plot twists! Just be sure to avoid creating plot holesin the process…

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10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit (2024)


10 Simple Tips For Writing Clever Plot Twists – Writer's Edit? ›

A good plot twist is something a reader doesn't see coming. While your twist needs to be a surprise, it needs to be inevitable. If your reader goes back through the story so far, they need to be able to identify the clues you cleverly hid in the details.

How to write a really good plot twist? ›

5 Tips for Writing a Good Plot Twist
  1. Kill off a seemingly important character. ...
  2. Let your character discover a plot twist organically. ...
  3. Elevate a seemingly minor character. ...
  4. Have your big reveal instigate a twist ending. ...
  5. Make sure your plot twist is earned.
Sep 29, 2021

What is a clever plot twist? ›

A good plot twist is something a reader doesn't see coming. While your twist needs to be a surprise, it needs to be inevitable. If your reader goes back through the story so far, they need to be able to identify the clues you cleverly hid in the details.

How to foreshadow a plot twist? ›

How to Implement Foreshadowing
  1. Subtlety is key. You don't want your readers to guess the twist too early. So, drop your hints with a light touch.
  2. Make it relevant. Ensure your foreshadowing connects to the plot twist in a meaningful way. ...
  3. Spread it out. Don't lump all your foreshadowing into one chapter.
Aug 7, 2023

What is an example of a plot twist? ›

The most famous example is in A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire) by George R. R. Martin. The reader is led to believe for the entire book that Ned Stark is the series' protagonist, only for him to be killed off at the end of the book.

What makes a good twist? ›

There are a lot of types of plot twists - it could be anything from a shocking paternity reveal (Star Wars) to a character you assumed was the protagonist being met with an untimely death (George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones). The key to a good plot twist is the element of surprise, but also of inevitability.

What are plot twists to avoid? ›

The most common plot twist pitfall is that they're too obvious. Avoid tropes — situations that have been so overused that your story becomes predictable and clichéd. Also avoid dropping so many hints that the twist is easy to see coming. If readers aren't surprised, they're bored.

How to make a shocking plot twist? ›

Here are five plot twist writing tips to keep your readers intrigued and guessing until the very end:
  1. Let Your Characters Do The Hard Work. ...
  2. Work Backwards. ...
  3. Mislead Your Readers On Purpose. ...
  4. Give Them A Mega Twist At The End Of The First Twist. ...
  5. Play With Your Readers' Emotions.

How to write a killer short story? ›

12 tips for writing a killer thriller
  1. Understand the Three Act Structure.
  2. Start with a jaw-dropping hook.
  3. Develop compelling characters.
  4. Build suspense gradually.
  5. Create a well-defined setting.
  6. Plot twists are your friends.
  7. Use multiple points of view.
  8. Tighten the pacing.
Sep 28, 2023

How to write a surprise ending? ›

  1. Let your characters make unexpected choices.
  2. Throw in a curveball near the end that changes the entire course of the story.
  3. Use foreshadowing to hint at a different outcome than what readers are expecting.
  4. Write a twist ending that will leave readers reeling.
  5. Use red herrings to mislead your readers.
Mar 1, 2023

What technique is a plot twist? ›

A plot twist is a literary technique that introduces a radical change in the direction or expected outcome of the plot in a work of fiction. When it happens near the end of a story, it is known as a twist ending or surprise ending.

How do you write a perfect plot twist? ›

Foreshadowing: The key to a good plot twist is to make it surprising but also plausible. One way to do this is to drop hints and clues throughout the story that hint at the twist to come. This will make the twist feel more organic and less out of left field. Timing: The timing of the plot twist is crucial.

What are some great plot twists? ›

21 Plot Twist Ideas You'll Never See Coming
  • The Usual Suspects Are Wrong. ...
  • A Revealed Family Connection. ...
  • An Unknown Fear. ...
  • A Blocked Passage. ...
  • An Unexpected Death. ...
  • A Big Reveal. ...
  • An Unexpected Friendship. ...
  • The Good Guy is Bad.
Dec 21, 2023

What are the 5 examples of plot? ›

Here are some classic plots that can be seen in numerous stories all over the world and throughout history.
  • a. Overcoming the Monster. The protagonist must defeat a monster or force in order to save some people—usually everybody! ...
  • b. Rags to Riches: ...
  • c. The Quest: ...
  • d. Voyage and Return: ...
  • e. Comedy: ...
  • f. Tragedy: ...
  • g. Rebirth:

What are some big plot twists? ›

The strength of a character is actually their greatest weakness. The hero must die to save everyone else. The villain has a change of heart but has driven the hero too far over the edge and must stop them. The villain ends up being revealed as the true hero.

How do you write a believable plot? ›

The way to create a believable plot is to create a story and its events that are not over the top, but are plausible and within reason, and the key is to let the reader know early on in the story the kind of person the main character is and what they can do. So if they have a special skill, make it known.

How do you write an amazing plot? ›

How to write a plot
  1. Set the rhythm in the exposition. ...
  2. Catch the reader's attention. ...
  3. Add tension to normal events. ...
  4. Complicate the narrative through subplots. ...
  5. Pit your characters against each other. ...
  6. Mislead your characters; misdirect the reader. ...
  7. Create high stakes. ...
  8. Create a race against time.
Jan 2, 2022

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