14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (2024)

Should I Sell My Mutual Fund?

By Guest Contributor, Arielle O’Shea

Recently, the stock and bond markets have taken a tumble. This extreme price volatility reminds us that investing in the financial markets requires patience and a long-time horizon. But, does this market volatility mean you need to sell your mutual fund?

When to sell a mutual fund or ETF is a tough decision.

The seesaw prices underline experts’ advice to long-term investors: Keep to your plan and stomach the troughs. Smart investing is like a long sea voyage, not a quick shoot. The answer to the question, ‘Should I sell my mutual fund – due to the market ups and downs?’ is a resounding ‘No.’


  • Should I Sell My Mutual Fund?
  • What Are the Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Funds?
  • 1. Consistent Underperformance of the Mutual Fund
  • 2. A Bad Case of Asset Class Bloat?
    • 3. A ‘closeted’ index fund
    • 4. Availability of Cheaper Equivalent Option
    • 5. You Want Off the Roller Coaster
    • 6. Shifting to Different Financial Modules
    • 7. Impacted Debt funds
    • 8. Mutual Fund Scheme Basic Objectives Changes
    • 9. Change of Fund’s Manager
    • 10. Occurrence of Demerger or Merger
    • 11. Capital Loss Occurrence
    • 12. Achievement of Your Investment Objective
    • 13. Lock in a Gain
    • 14. Rebalancing of Your Asset Allocation
  • FAQ
  • Conclusion
    • Related

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Still, that doesn’t mean your holdings should be set in stone. Experts say there are scenarios — even in seemingly rosy times — in which you would do well to sell a mutual fund.

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What Are the Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Funds?

Below are 13 top indicators of selling mutual funds for cash:

  • Consistent Underperformance of the Mutual Fund
  • A Bad Case of Asset Class Bloat
  • A ‘closeted’ index fund
  • Availability of Cheaper Equivalent Option
  • You Want off the Roller Coaster
  • Shifting to Different Financial Modules
  • ImpactedDebt funds
  • Mutual Fund Basic Objectives Changes
  • Change of Fund’s Manager
  • Mutual Fund’s Demerger or Merger
  • Capital Loss Occurrence
  • Achievement of Your Investment Objective
  • Lock in a Gain

1. Consistent Underperformance of the Mutual Fund

Understand the fund’s benchmark. If you are invested in a passively managed index fund that tracks the S&P 500 and your fund underperforms the benchmark significantly, it may be time to shift to another mutual fund.

Even if your mutual fund is actively managed, its performance is typically compared with the performance of a passively managed index fund. If the benchmark is doing better than the fund, over more than a year or two, it may be time to sell your mutual fund.

2. A Bad Case of Asset Class Bloat?

A balanced portfolio is like a balanced diet — both are essential for long-term health. If you’re eating more meat than greens, that will come back to haunt your waistline.

Similarly, strongly performing mutual funds can result in a bloated asset class, such as stocks or bonds. If your stock mutual funds do well, a portfolio originally allocated to 60% stock funds and 40% bond funds can become a 70%-30% split instead. For many investors, that signals it’s time to rebalance the portfolio, as it may present portfolio management challenges.

By rebalancing regularly, you will continually be buying low and selling high. That means you sell the excellently performing investments (stock mutual funds in this case) and buy additional shares that aren’t doing well.

Rebalancing takes your investment portfolio to its original course (target asset allocation). You can do so regularly or when allocations change by a specific percentage.

14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (1)14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (2)

3. A ‘closeted’ index fund

Closet index funds can overcharge. If your fund’s performance is essentially tracking an index, such as the S&P 500, while still charging a premium for active management, it may be time to sell that mutual fund. A closet index fund is when an active manager holds a bulk of the same stocks as an index, and charges for active fund management.

An index fund can charge fees as low as 0.04% of your account value, while actively managed funds might charge a management fee of 0.70% or more over time. Usually, the latter carry higher expense ratios than the former. You pay a professional to manage your portfolio, in an attempt to outperform an index, not to copy one.

Closet index funds tend to underperform their benchmark because of the management fees.

Generally, most actively managed funds underperform a passive index fund asset allocation model. Unless there’s an extremely good reason for going with a high-fee actively managed fund, you’re better off sticking with the low-fee index fund approach.

4. Availability of Cheaper Equivalent Option

As more exchange-traded funds and index funds compete on fees, costs are continually being driven down. Check to see if your online broker offers funds within the same category as those you own but with lower expense ratios.

Fees are inherent in all mutual funds, index funds, and exchange-traded funds, and over time they can significantly drag down your portfolio returns.

Forrest Baumhover, a financial planner and founder of Westchase Financial Planning, explains it this way in a recent NerdWallet article:

Two investors have half a million dollars in something virtually identical regarding investment philosophy and positions. However, one is an index fund that tracks the market, and the other is an actively managed fund with similar performance. The difference [in what you’d pay in fees] could be 75 basis points.” (75 basis points is equivalent to 0.75%).

That amounts to almost $4,000 a year.

5. You Want Off the Roller Coaster

Stock market fluctuations aren’t a reason to change your portfolio. However, if your risk tolerance changes, either up or down, it may be an ideal time to redeem your mutual funds.

Hence, if your current asset allocation is causing you to lose sleep, either because of stomach-churning market drops or a feeling that you need to invest more aggressively, perhaps it’s time to revisit your risk absorption ability and investment targets.

Calculate how much risk you need to take to meet your goals, and then stick with that asset allocation. There’s no reason to invest with more risk than is needed to meet your long term financial goals.

6. Shifting to Different Financial Modules

Most investors realize that the ‘’don’t put all your eggs in one basket” proverb is a reality in the investment world. They don’t invest all their money in the same type of mutual funds. Thus, if your portfolio isn’t properly diversified, among stock and bond mutual funds as well as cash, then you may want to venture into a different financial module. You might want to up the risk and go for an alternative investment, or try an all-in-one target date fund.

Alternatively, you may desire to have a predictable and consistent income stream. outcome. In this case, you can utilize a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SIP): Redeem your money while receiving returns on the unredeemed portion. Tax-free bonds, short term fixed income mutual funds and certificates of deposit are ideal investments that can give you consistent returns.

7. Impacted Debt funds

A change in the interest rates has an inverse and direct impact on bond prices and yields, respectively. Thus, when the Federal Reserve (Fed) increases rates, existing bonds market prices decrease while the yields increase. That results from new bonds entering the market offering higher interest rates to investors.

On the other hand, if the Fed lowers the rates, the bond prices will increase while yields for the debt fund decreases. In some circ*mstances, selling off your mutual funds is advisable. When interest rates are higher, you might prefer medium and longer term bond mutual funds, to capture potential longer term returns (it’s important to note that on occasion, long term interest rates might note be higher than shorter term rates), and benefit from price appreciation, when interest rates decline.When interest rates are rising, short term bond funds enable you to benefit from higher interest payments, as interest rates rise.

14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (3)14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (4)

8. Mutual Fund Scheme Basic Objectives Changes

A significant shift in the underlying assumptions of your mutual fund’s objective can indicate it’s time to redeem it. Sell off the mutual fund units if the instrument’s factors or investment objectives for which you bought the mutual fund no longer applies.

For instance, your goal could be investing in a small-cap fund to expose your money to small-cap firms only. In case the fund management starts buying large stocks, the move may negatively impact your investment plan. An appropriate remedy might be to sell your fund and stick to your preferred investing strategy.

9. Change of Fund’s Manager

WIth active mutual fund investing, when a portfolio manager shifts, you might want to explore whether to sell the mutual fund or not. examine. The manager is crucial to the success of your funds.

Therefore, it’s essential to do a thorough background check and assess the track record of the incoming fund manager. You may consider selling your mutual fund if the new manager isn’t up to the task.

10. Occurrence of Demerger or Merger

When Asset Management Companies (AMCs) demerge or merge, you aren’t sure if the new firm will perform the same as the one you invested in. While the combination may be due to various reasons, only stay invested if the performance and strategy aligns with your original objectives. Also, examine the mutual fund’s performance and strategy under the new management. If you’re not satisfied, shift to a new equivalent mutual fund with a different AMC.

11. Capital Loss Occurrence

When your mutual fund has a significant capital loss, while other holdings incur capital gains, it might be time to sell. In such a case, if you sell the fund, you’ll be able to secure a capital loss on your tax return. That loss can offset realized capital gains and ultimately lower your tax bill. For that reason, this tax-loss harvesting situation might be a reason to sell your mutual fund.

14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (5)14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (6)

12. Achievement of Your Investment Objective

When you reach your investment goals it might be time to sell all or a portion of a mutual fund. Selling your mutual funds a few years before attaining your investment objectives is another option. After your financial goals are realized you might want to sell higher risk stock or alternative mutual funds and invest in lower-risk fixed income and cash assets. That will preserve your capital and remove the volatility that higher risk assets contribute to a portfolio.

13. Lock in a Gain

Narrowly focused funds, such as strategy or sector mutual funds can contribute excellent returns during certain time periods. If you own narrowly focused mutual funds that have experienced a run up in price, then it might be time to trim the position. In this circ*mstance, consider selling all or a portion of the appreciated mutual fund, in order to lock in your profits.

Additionally, if you wouldn’t buy a mutual fund at its current price, then you might consider selling it.

14. Rebalancing of Your Asset Allocation

Every year or so, it’s a good idea to rebalance your investment portfolio. Your asset allocation is your pre-decided mix of stock and bond funds. For example, you might choose 70% in stocks and 30% in bonds. At the end of the year, if the stock market does better than the bond market, you portfolio might end up with 75% in stocks and 25% in bonds.

Sell five percent of your stock mutual funds or ETFs and use the cash to buy bond mutual funds. This realigns your investments with your initial goals, and also ensures that you’re buying funds at a lower price, and selling at a higher one.

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Is It a Good Time to Sell Mutual Funds?

Yes, it’s a good time to sell mutual funds when you attain your financial objective or want to invest in a different type of security. However, remaining invested is advisable if you haven’t reached your goal or lack another appropriate investment. It’s also a good time to sell if your asset allocation needs rebalancing.

What Happens to Mutual Funds If the Market Crashes?

When there is a stock market decline, your equity or stock mutual funds typically decline in value. Less correlated mutual funds, particularly bond funds, frequently protect against a loss in case of a stock market crash. Unfortunately, the 2022 market crash bucked this trend.
Some alternatives and cash can also offset losses when equity funds go down. It’s useful to remember that market crashes occur periodically and long term investors should stick with their original investment plan.

Should I Sell My Mutual Funds Before a Recession?

No, you shouldn’t sell your mutual funds before a recession. Even if you’re uncomfortable with the market price decline, overreacting and selling mutual funds at a loss when there is a market drop or recession isn’t a sound strategy. It’s best to set aside cash for use during recessions and before a market downturn.
Only have money invested in the financial markets that you won’t need during the next few years. That way, regardless of whether there’s a recession or not, you won’t be forced to sell at a loss.

What Is the Best Method for Selling Mutual Funds Online?

The best method for selling mutual funds online is through a transaction page of your investment company. Follow the simple steps below:
Log into your account and visit your account home page
Select the fund you want to sell
Indicate the number of mutual fund units to redeem
Complete your transaction

Can I Sell Mutual Funds Anytime?

Yes, you can place an order to sell mutual funds anytime. Although, unlike stock and ETF trades, mutual funds only trade once per day, after the market closes. So, regardless of when your trade is placed, it will occur at the end of the day.

How Long Should I Hold Mutual Funds?

You should plan to hold your mutual funds for at least 5 years. In the short term stock and bond fund prices can be volatile. Yet, over the long term their prices typically go up. The instruments can deliver more stable returns if you increase the holding duration to 10 years or more. For short term cash needs, the only mutual funds to consider are money market mutual funds and short term bond funds, as they maintain a relatively stable price.


Staying the course is usually a smart strategy, but sometimes you’re better off selling your mutual fund shares. Consider these 13 scenarios when it’s time to sell your mutual fund.

After all, you invested in mutual funds because you were confident it’d help you achieve your financial objectives. So, you shouldn’t be quick to make a selling decision. However, if you weigh the upsides and downsides of your instrument’s performance and strategy, and are still not content, redeem your fund.

Also, if you have achieved your financial goals or have found better-performing instruments, it’s time to cash out your fund.


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Arielle O’Shea is an investment writer for NerdWallet and former associate with financial guru Jean Chatzky.

Disclosure: Please note that this article may contain affiliate links whichmeansthat – at zero cost to you – I might earn a commission if you sign up or buy through theaffiliate link. That said, I never recommend anything I don’t believe is valuable.

14 Signs it May Be Time to Sell Your Mutual Fund (2024)


When should you sell your mutual fund? ›

If your financial goals have shifted, it may be time to realign by selling. For example, if you initially invested in an aggressive growth fund but now require more stability and income, you might consider selling the fund shares and reallocating your investments.

How to sell mutual funds interview questions? ›

We have asked professionals to share the job interview experience as a Mutual Funds Analyst and here we got some most asked Interview questions.
  1. 1 Explain what do you mean by private equity transactions? ...
  2. 2 Explain what is equity funding? ...
  3. 3 Explain what is weighted average rating factor? ...
  4. 4 Explain what is call option?

When should you cash out a mutual fund? ›

However, if you have noticed significantly poor performance over the last two or more years, it may be time to cut your losses and move on. To help your decision, compare the fund's performance to a suitable benchmark or to similar funds. Exceptionally poor comparative performance should be a signal to sell the fund.

Should I sell mutual funds before a recession? ›

No, you shouldn't sell your mutual funds before a recession. Even if you're uncomfortable with the market price decline, overreacting and selling mutual funds at a loss when there is a market drop or recession isn't a sound strategy. It's best to set aside cash for use during recessions and before a market downturn.

Should I sell mutual funds when the market is down? ›

The next thing you need to keep in mind is that just because the market is down does not mean that you should bail out of your investments. If you sell your mutual funds when the market is down, you will lose money.

Should I exit from mutual funds now? ›

Market Volatility and Risk Management

If a fund consistently underperforms over multiple periods and fails to deliver satisfactory returns, consider exiting the investment. Research and select funds with a similar investment objective but better track records and performance history to redirect your investments.

When you sell a mutual fund What price do you get? ›

If you enter a trade to buy or sell shares of a mutual fund, your trade will be executed at the next available net asset value, which is calculated after the market closes and typically posted by 6 p.m. ET. This price may be higher or lower than the previous day's closing NAV.

How do you answer sell me something interview question? ›

Tips for answering “Sell me this pen”
  1. Be positive. ...
  2. Ask direct questions. ...
  3. Relate the pen to a larger concept or idea. ...
  4. Relate the pen to the interviewer's specific needs. ...
  5. Close by asking them to purchase the pen.
Jun 1, 2023

How to answer why investment management? ›

Example answer: "I believe one of the most important traits in an investment manager is a commitment to others and an understanding of their needs. Being a successful investment manager requires knowing your clients well and understanding their needs, preferences, concerns and goals.

What is the best day of the week to sell mutual funds? ›

If Monday may be the best day of the week to buy stocks, then Thursday or early Friday may be the best day to sell stock—before prices dip.

How much tax will I pay if I cash out my mutual funds? ›

If you receive a distribution from a fund that results from the sale of a security the fund held for only six months, that distribution is taxed at your ordinary-income tax rate. If the fund held the security for several years, however, then those funds are subject to the capital gains tax instead.

When should you stop mutual funds? ›

The performance might turn the investor against the fund and make them want to withdraw their money from the investment. An investor would want to cancel the SIP if the overall objective of the fund changes when there is a change in the fund's objective, even if the asset allocation of the fund changes.

When should I sell mutual funds? ›

Times to Sell

While they are good investment options for several investors, you may think of redeeming the shares in your mutual fund in the following circ*mstances: If the fund manager has changed. If the investment plan and strategy of the fund has been altered. If the fund has been consistently underperforming.

Where is the safest place to put your money during a recession? ›

Investors often gravitate toward Treasurys as a safe haven during recessions, as these are considered risk-free instruments. That's because they are backed by the U.S. government, which is deemed able to ensure that the principal and interest are repaid.

Is a recession coming in 2024? ›

Economists predict another year of slow growth around the world in 2024. While the risk of a global recession is lower in the year ahead, two G7 economies dipped into recession at the end of 2023.

How long should you hold mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds have sales charges, and that can take a big bite out of your return in the short run. To mitigate the impact of these charges, an investment horizon of at least five years is ideal.

Is it better to sell mutual funds before or after dividends? ›

Selling a fund prior to the distribution will generally result in more capital gain or less loss than if you sell the shares after the distribution, if you only take into account market price changes reflecting the distribution. Selling shares after the distribution usually will yield less gain or more loss.

When to take profit from mutual funds? ›

Profit booking closer to a financial goal helps to safeguard the goal corpus. Profit booking is best done in a systematic way to rebalance the portfolio on an annual basis, if the asset allocation deviates by say more than 10%.

What is the best time to redeem mutual funds? ›

Redemption is usually done when the investor needs funds, the objective of the investment is fulfilled, or when the financial plan review demands a change in allocation, or the scheme is not able to deliver desired results.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.