Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (2024)

Thanks to Blessed Hammer's amazing damage output and the power of Holy Shield, Hammerdin has the ability to breeze through any type of content Diabo 2 Resurrected currently has to offer. More than that, the build can do it while wearing Magic Finding-oriented gear. Thus, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that It is the most popular build for season 1 of Diablo 2 Resurrected.

Below, we present you with our take on the End-Game Magic Finding Hammerdin build. This powerful character uses Blessed Hammer's incredible damage output (with maxed synergies and enough +Skills, a single Hammer can easily deal 15+k damage) to easily farm in level 85 areas, even on "Players7" difficulty. It boasts enough Magic Find to compete with Lightning Sorc and the PitZerker when it comes to MF efficiency and comes out on top when it comes to survivability.

Faster Cast Rate is a must-have for Hammerdin and you should get enough of it to make your Hammers and your Enigma better (the 75 FCR Breakpoint is a must, we'd say, but your ultimate goal should be achieving the 125 FCR Breakpoint). +Skills are also extremely important as they will greatly increase your Damage output (Blessed Hammer and Concentration both benefit from them). Magic Find is another stat you should stack as this is a Magic Finding build after all. Extra Health and Vitalityis always welcome as well, as it makes you a bit tankier. Faster Hit Recovery, Faster Run/Walk, and extra Stamina/Stamina Regen are also very useful to have.


Harlequin Crest(Shako) - This recommendation shouldn't surprise anyone. Shako is simply amazing and if you're after Magic Find and Skill Levels, there's no better alternative.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (1)

  • Defense: 98 to 141
  • Required Level: 62
  • Required Strength: 50
  • Durability: 20
    • +2 to All Skills
    • +1-148 to Life (+1.5 per Character Level)
    • +1-148 to Mana (+1.5 per Character Level)
    • Damage Reduced By 10%
    • 50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
    • +2 to All Attributes

Tarnhelm(Skull Cap) - If you're trying to build your Hammerdin as cheaply as possible, this lowly unique helmet might interest you. It gives half the Skills Shako does, but can potentially provide the same amount of Magic Find.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (2)

  • Defense: 8 to 11
  • Required Level: 15
  • Required Strength: 15
  • Durability: 18
    • +1 to All Skills
    • 75% Extra Gold from Monsters
    • [25-50]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies)


Heart of the Oak(Runeword) - This amazing Runeword will not only significantly boost your Hammers' damage with its +3 Skills, but also provide you with a solid boost to all Resistances and pretty much eliminate any mana problems you might have had without it. Moreover, it offers a +40 Faster Cast Rate, which is amazing if you're trying to go for the 125 FCR breakpoint.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (3)

  • Damage: Depends on base Weapon
  • Required Level: 55
  • Required Dexterity:Depends on base Weapon
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Weapon
  • Durability:Depends on base Weapon
  • Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul
    • +3 To All Skills
    • +40% Faster Cast Rate
    • +75% Damage To Demons
    • +100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
    • Adds 3-14 Cold Damage, 3 sec. Duration (Normal)
    • 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
    • +10 To Dexterity
    • Replenish Life +20
    • Increase Maximum Mana 15%
    • All Resistances +30-40 (varies)
    • Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges)
    • Level 14 Raven (60 Charges)

Spirit Sword (Runeword) -Don't be fooled by this Runeword's low level requirement. It's actually an amazing budget alternative to the Heart of the Oak. It not only gives you two things you're looking for the most - +Skills and Faster Cast Rate, but also gives you quite a lot of health and mana.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (4)

  • Damage:Depends on baseWeapon
  • Required Level: 25
  • Required Dexterity:Depends on baseWeapon
  • Required Strength:Depends on baseWeapon
  • Durability:Depends on baseWeapon
  • Tal + Thul+ Ort + Amn
    • +2 to All Skills
    • +[25-35]% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
    • +55% Faster Hit Recovery
    • Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
    • Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
    • +75 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
    • 7% Life Stolen per Hit
    • +250 Defense vs. Missile
    • +22 to Vitality
    • +[89-112] to Mana (varies)
    • +[3-8] Magic Absorb (varies)

Herald of Zakarum(Gilded Shield) -The bonuses this shield provides are unbelievably strong.It not only increases your offensive power (+4 to Blessed Hammer in total!), butit's also a great defensive shield(high enhanced defense, high chance to block, very high all resistance bonus, and vitality). Overall, this is the best shield in the game but it's only available to Paladins - luckily for you, you're one.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (5)

  • Defense:422 to 507
  • Required Level: 42
  • Required Strength:89 ​​​​​
    • +2 To Paladin Skill Levels
    • +2 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
    • +150-200% Enhanced Defense
    • 30% Increased Chance Of Block
    • 30% Faster Block Rate
    • 20% Bonus To Attack Rating
    • +20 To Strength
    • +20 To Vitality
    • All Resistances +50

Splendor(Rune Word) - A nice and inexpensiveMagic Finding Shield Runeword that works surprisingly well on a Hammerdin. It will boost your offensive power by giving you +1 to all skills, increase your FCR by 10%, and make you a bit better at Magic Finding by giving you +20% MF. Its main downside is that it's not really tailored for maximum block builds - your defenses will suffer if you decide to use it.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (6)

  • Defense:Depends on base Shield
  • Required Level: 37
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Shield​​​​​
  • Durability:Depends on base Shield
  • Eth + Lum
    • +1 To All Skills
    • +10% Faster Cast Rate
    • +20% Faster Block Rate
    • +60-100% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +10 To Energy
    • Regenerate Mana 15%
    • 50% Extra Gold From Monsters
    • 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
    • +3 To Light Radius

Spirit Shield(Runeword) - As a Paladin, you can easily get a class-specific shield with 4 sockets which makes this Runeword an excellent choice.Spirit Shield is not only amazing in your weapon, but it is also amazing in your shields as well! It gives you a lot of Resistances, +1 to All Skills, a lot of mana, vitality, and a high bonus to Faster Cast Rate.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (7)

  • Defense:Depends on base Shield
  • Required Level: 25
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Shield
  • Durability:Depends on base Shield
  • Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn
    • +1 To All Skills
    • +25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
    • +55% Faster Hit Recovery
    • +250 Defense Vs. Missile
    • +22 To Vitality
    • +89-112 To Mana (varies)
    • Cold Resist +35%
    • Lightning Resist +35%
    • Poison Resist +35%
    • +3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)
    • Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Call to Arms(Rune Word) - This powerful Runeword will allow you to pre-buff yourself up with Warcries (buffs persist through weapon swap). You should supplement it with a shield that gives +2 to All Skills for the best effect.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (8)

  • Defense:Depends on base Weapon
  • Required Level: 57
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Weapon​​​​​
  • Durability:Depends on base Weapon
  • Amn • Ral • Mal • Ist
    • +1 to All Skills
    • +40% Increased Attack Speed
    • +250-290% Enhanced Damage
    • Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
    • 7% Life Stolen Per Hit
    • +2-6 To Battle Command
    • +1-6 To Battle Orders
    • +1-4 To Battle Cry
    • Prevent Monster Heal
    • Replenish Life +12
    • 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items


A Magic/Rare Amulet with + Magic Find Affixes -Magic Amulets can have up to 50% MF and Rares can roll up to 35%. If you can afford one of these, go for it. If not, get a nice offensive amulet or try to craft one yourself.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (9)Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (10)

  • InMagic Amulets,look for:
    • Magic Find
    • + to Warcries
    • Resistances
  • InRare Amulets,look for:
    • Magic Find
    • + to Barbarian Skills
    • Resistances
    • Attributes

Mara's Kaleidoscope- In a build that wants +All Skills, this amulet is a BiS offensive choice for the end game. It provides a great combination of offensive (+2 to all skills) and defensive (+20-30 to all resistances) properties.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (11)

  • Required Level: 67
    • +2 To All Skills
    • All Resistances +20-30 (varies)
    • +5 To All Attributes


Enigma (Runeword) - This amazing Runewoird will take this build's mobility to a whole new level by giving you access to the Teleport skill. Moreover, it will increase your Skills and provide you with a scaling boost to Magic Find. If you take Magic Finding with this build seriously, Enigma is the only choice.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (12)

  • Defense:Depends on base Armor
  • Required Level: 65
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Armor
  • Durability:Depends on base Armor
  • Jah + Ith + Ber
    • +2 To All Skills
    • +45% Faster Run/Walk
    • +1 To Teleport
    • +750-775 Defense (varies)
    • +(0.75*Clvl) To Strength (Based On Character Level)
    • Increase Maximum Life 5%
    • Damage Reduced By 8%
    • +14 Life After Each Kill
    • 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
    • (1*Clvl)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)

Skin of the Vipermagi(Serpentskin Armor) - This budget Armor will take care of some of this build's basic needs - Skills, FCR, and Resistances. If you can't afford an Enigma, it might serve as a decent substitute (just keep in mind that your mobility and MF will suffer greatly).

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (13)

  • Defense:279
  • Required Strength:43
  • Durability:24
  • Required Level:29
    • +120% Defense
    • +1 to All Skills
    • 30% Faster Cast Rate
    • Magic Damage Reduced By 9-13 (varies)
    • All Resistances +20-35 (varies)

Wealth (Runeword) - If you really want to run this build on a budget, Wealth might be a decent option that will let you farm for an Enigma quicker. It's also nice if you like gambling as 300% extra gold is quite a lot.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (14)

  • Defense:Depends on base Armor
  • Required Level: 43
  • Required Strength:Depends on base Armor
  • Durability:Depends on base Armor
  • Lem + Ko + Tir
    • +10 to Dexterity
    • +2 to Mana after each Kill
    • 300% Extra Gold from Monsters
    • 100% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


Note: Being frozen does not affect your Cast Rate which means that you remain 100% combat effective with this build, even when enemies freeze you (both the Enigma's Teleport and the Blessed Hammer are considered spells). Because of this, a Raven Frost is not necessary for this build.

Nagelring - Stacking two of these Rings can give you up to 60% extra Magic Find, which is very solid (especially when you lack MF from other slots).

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (15)

  • Required Level: 7
    • +[50-75] to Attack Rating (varies)
    • Magic Damage Taken Reduced by 3
    • Attacker Takes Damage of 3
    • [15-30]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies)

A Magic Ring with MF Affixes - Rings like these can have up to 50% MF, which is Best in Slot. They are extremely rare, however, and their price is likely to scare you off even if you manage to find one for sale.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (16)

  • InMagic Rings,look for:
    • Magic Find

The Stone of Jordan- If you're interested in damage more than Magic Find, double Stone of Jordan is the way to go.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (17)

  • Required Level: 29
    • +1 to All Skills
    • Increase Maximum Mana by 25%
    • Adds 1-12Lightning Damage
    • +20 to Mana


Chance Guards (Chain Gloves) -These gloves offer up to 40% MF and a nice bonus to gold drop.Because of this, they are the first pair of gloves that come to mind when we think about Magic Finding.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (18)

  • Defense: 67-74
  • Required Level: 45
  • Required Strength: 58
  • Durability: 16
    • +20-30% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +15 Defense
    • +25 to Attack Rating
    • 25-40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies)
    • 200% Extra Gold From Monsters
    • +2 to Light Radius

Magefist(Light Gauntlets) -If you plan on achieving the 125% FCR breakpoint with this build, you pretty much have to use Magefists over Chance Guards.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (19)

Defense:24 - 25
Required Strength:45
Required Level:23
  • +20-30% Enhanced Defense (varies)
  • +10 Defense
  • +1 To Fire Skills
  • 20% Faster Cast Rate
  • Regenerate Mana 25%
  • Adds 1-6 Fire Damage


War Traveler (Battle Boots) -These boots are a staple of most Magic Finding builds as there's no real alternative. From them, you'll get up to 50% MF, unlimited running (thanks to slower stamina drain), and 25% Faster Run/Walk.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (20)

  • Defense: 120-139
  • Required Level: 42
  • Required Strength: 95
  • Kick Damage:37-64
  • Durability: 48
    • +150-190% Enhanced Defense
    • 25% Faster Run/Walk
    • +10 to Vitality
    • +10 to Strength
    • Adds 15-25 Damage
    • +40% Slower Stamina Drain
    • Attacker Takes Damage Of 5-10
    • 30-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Sandstorm Trek(Scarabshell Boots) - If you feel like you don't need more Magic Find, you can go with these Hammerdin defense-oriented classics. They will not only boost your hit recovery but also give you some stats and enable you to run pretty much infinitely.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (21)

  • Defense: 158-178
  • Required Level: 64
  • Required Strength: 91
  • Kick Damage:60-110
  • Durability: 14
    • +20% Faster Run/Walk
    • +20% Faster Hit Recovery
    • +[140-170]% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +[10-15] to Strength (varies)
    • +[10-15] to Vitality (varies)
    • +[1-99] Maximum Stamina (+1 per Character Level)
    • 50% Slower Stamina Drain
    • Poison Resist +[40-70]% (varies)
    • Attacker Takes Damage of 2
    • Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds


Arachnid Mesh(Spiderweb Sash) - This offensively-oriented belt will boost your damage and Faster Cast Rate. If you're after the 125 FCR breakpoint,picking it upis a must. The downside is, your Magic Find is going to suffer.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (22)

  • Defense: 119-138
  • Required Level: 80
  • Required Strength: 50
  • Durability: 12
  • 16 Potion Boxes
    • +90-120% Enhanced Defense
    • Slows Target By 10%
    • +1 To All Skills
    • +20% Faster Cast Rate
    • Increases Maximum Mana 5%
    • Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)

Goldwrap (Heavy Belt) - The only real Magic Finding-oriented choice for the belt slot. Sadly, MF is the only really useful stat a Hammerdin gets from it.

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (23)

  • Defense: 34-36
  • Potion Slots: 12
  • Required Level: 27
  • Required Strength: 45
  • Durability: 18
    • +40-60% Enhanced Defense (varies)
    • +25 Defense
    • 10% Increased Attack Speed
    • 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
    • 50-80% Extra Gold From Monsters (varies)
    • +2 To Light Radius


  1. Gheed's Fortune- The secret to Gheed's wealth and prosperity. Pretty much a must-have if you're after the best available charms. It adds 80-160% extra gold from monsters, reduces vendor prices by up to 15%, and gives up to 40% better magic find.
  2. Grand Charms -Getting some of these with +Combat Skills is going to increase your damage output. Just remember that every grand charm is potentially 21 less Magic Find (provided that you would use three 7 MF Small Charms instead).
  3. Large Charms - Using Large Charms in D2R is not recommended, with the exception of Hellfire Torch.
  4. Small Charms- With these, you should get as much Magic Find as you can. Small Charms give up to 7 MF each, so getting a full inventory of them is going to significantly boost your Magic Finding capabilities. 7-percenters are quite expensive, but you can get 5 and 6-percenters relatively cheaply.


We recommend picking up Act 2 Defiance Mercenary for extra damage mitigation bonuses. He should be equipped with:

  1. InsightRune Word in Ethereal Spear - This provides a Meditation Aura that increases your Mana Recovery Rate which is extremely helpful as Enigma's Teleport and your Blessed Hammer can drain all of your mana very quickly.
  2. FortitudeRune Word in Armor - This will ensure that your merc doesn't die (it will make him almost immortal).
  3. Andariel's Visage -An extremely solid and versatile headgear that will make your merc better in all respects.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment

Blessed Hammer Paladin Magic Find Build for D2R - Odealo (2024)
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