"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who is Dollar Tree merging with?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A New Chapter

We've brought Family Dollar and Dollar Tree together under one roof, starting in small, rural towns across the country that had limited retail options. Our customers love the concept and we are expanding past just small towns."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is Dollar Tree part of Walmart?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Dollar Tree, Inc. is not owned by Walmart. It is an independent company. It owns Dollar Tree, Dollar Bills and also a subsidiary known as Family Dollar. The parent company was once known as Only $1.00."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is Dollar Tree able to sell so cheap?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Purchase Cost

Dollar stores buy a lot of inventory at a time so they can sell things cheaply. Much of the inventory dollar stores purchase cost less than a $1 because they're damaged. But it's buyer beware with items like toys, which can break easily at times."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is Dollar Tree still called Dollar Tree?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"This shift allows the company to offer a broader range of products, including larger or higher-quality items that may not be feasible to sell at the one-dollar price point. Despite the inclusion of items priced above one dollar, Dollar Tree has retained its brand name for continuity and recognition among consumers."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why Dollar General is better than Dollar Tree?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Some of the products may not last for long, and you might have to replace them quickly. On the other hand, Dollar General sells products that cost more, but you can expect the quality to be higher. So, if you are looking for better quality products that might last longer, Dollar General is the way to go."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is Dollar Tree cheaper than Family Dollar?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Family Dollar was bought by Dollar Tree in 2015. Together, both Dollar Tree and Family Dollar have over 16,000 locations. Unlike Dollar Tree, not everything at Family Dollar costs just $1.25. Prices for its items range between $1 to $10, with most items typically costing from $3 to $5."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is Dollar Tree taking over 99 Cent stores?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Dollar Tree Inc. announced Wednesday that it will be taking over 170 locations previously occupied by 99 Cents Only stores across four states, including California."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who is taking over the 99 cent store?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The retailer also bought up the rights to 170 store leases, with plans to rebrand and reopen them “as early as fall 2024.” This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the new name for the 99 cent store?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Dozens of closed 99 Cents Only locations across Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas could reopen as Dollar Tree stores. The bargain retailer confirmed Wednesday that it acquired the rights for 170 of the 99 Cents Only stores across the four states."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Dollar Tree's strategy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Dollar Tree is implementing a “multi-price” strategy in which it will sell a greater variety of products with the aim of winning over new customers. Over the past year, the retailer has sold groceries that cost $3 to $5."}}]}}

Dollar Tree übernimmt Dutzende 99 Cents Only Stores in 4 Bundesstaaten - Nachrichten aus aller Welt (2024)

  • June 2, 2024
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Home » Wirtschaft » Dollar Tree übernimmt Dutzende 99 Cents Only Stores in 4 Bundesstaaten

Dollar Tree übernimmt Dutzende 99 Cents Only Stores in 4 Bundesstaaten - Nachrichten aus aller Welt (1)

Dollar Tree hat die Pachtverträge für 170 99-Cent-Only-Läden erworben und wird diese bereits im Herbst 2024 mit eigenen Produkten wiedereröffnen, gab das Unternehmen am Mittwoch bekannt.

Die 170 von dem Unternehmen erworbenen Pachtverträge erstrecken sich laut einer Pressemitteilung über Arizona, Kalifornien, Nevada und Texas. Dollar Tree erwarb außerdem das nordamerikanische geistige Eigentum von 99 Cents Only Stores sowie einige Möbel, Geräte und Einrichtungsgegenstände in den Geschäften.

„Da wir weiterhin unsere Strategie für beschleunigtes Wachstum für die Marke Dollar Tree umsetzen, war dies eine attraktive Gelegenheit, Mietverträge in vorrangigen Märkten abzuschließen, in denen wir ein starkes profitables Wachstumspotenzial sehen“, sagte Michael Creedon Jr., Chief Operating Officer von Dollar Tree, in der Pressemitteilung.

„Das Portfolio ergänzt unser bestehendes Profil und verschafft uns Zugang zu hochwertigen Immobilienwerten in erstklassigen Einzelhandelszentren. So können wir die Marke Dollar Tree im Westen der USA schnell ausbauen und noch mehr Kunden und Gemeinden erreichen“, fügte Creedon hinzu.

Der Pressemitteilung zufolge betrieb Dollar Tree zum 3. Februar 2024 über 16.000 Filialen in 48 Bundesstaaten und fünf kanadischen Provinzen. Diese Filialen firmieren unter den Marken Dollar Tree, Family Dollar und Dollar Tree Canada.

Schließen alle 99-Cent-Läden?:Ein Blick auf die Schließungen von Family Dollar und 99 Cents Only Stores

99 Cents Only-Läden im April geschlossen

Nach über vier Jahrzehnten im Geschäft gab 99 Cents Only Stores letzten Monat bekannt, dass es alle 371 Standorte schließen werde.

„Dies war eine äußerst schwierige Entscheidung und nicht das Ergebnis, das wir erwartet oder erhofft hatten“, sagte Interims-CEO Mike Simoncic in einer Pressemitteilung. „Leider haben die letzten Jahre im Einzelhandelsumfeld erhebliche und anhaltende Herausforderungen mit sich gebracht.“

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Simoncic sagte, dass mehrere Faktoren zur desolaten Lage des Discount-Unternehmens beigetragen hätten, darunter die „beispiellosen Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie“. Er verwies auch auf veränderte Verbraucherwünsche, Inflationsdruck und steigende Schwundraten, womit der Verlust von Inventar oder Bargeld durch Diebstahl, Beschädigung oder Verwaltungsfehler gemeint ist.

„Wir sind den engagierten Mitarbeitern, Kunden, Partnern und Gemeinden, die 99 Cents Only Stores seit Jahrzehnten gemeinsam unterstützen, zutiefst dankbar“, sagte Simoncic.

Das 1982 gegründete Unternehmen bot seinen Gästen „eine Kombination aus Restposten-Markenartikeln, allgemeinen Handelswaren und frischen Lebensmitteln“ an, die anfangs für 99 Cent oder weniger angeboten wurden.

Dollar Tree kündigt Preiserhöhungen im März an

Dollar Tree gab im Rahmen der Gewinnbesprechung im vierten Quartal im vergangenen März bekannt, dass es die Preisobergrenze in seinen Filialen auf 7 Dollar anheben werde.

„In diesem Jahr werden wir in 3.000 Filialen voraussichtlich unser Mehrpreissortiment um über 300 Artikel in Preisklassen zwischen 1,50 und 7 Dollar erweitern“, sagte Dollar Tree-CEO Rick Dreiling in der Telefonkonferenz am 13. März.

Laut Yahoo Finance wurde im Juni eine Obergrenze von 5 USD festgelegt. Im Jahr 2021 erhöhte das Unternehmen den Grundpreis der Artikel auf 1,25 USD. Zu den teureren Artikeln gehören Lebensmittel, Haustiere und Körperpflegeartikel, obwohl nicht alle Artikel die Preisobergrenze von 7 USD erreichen.

Preiserhöhung von Dollar Tree:Dollar Tree erhöht Höchstpreis in Geschäften auf 7 US-Dollar, meldet Käufer mit höherem Einkommen

“Mit der Zeit werden wir auch mehr Preisklassen in unsere Geschäfte integrieren, so dass unsere Kunden 5-Dollar-Tüten Hundefutter neben den herkömmlichen 1,25-Dollar-Leckereien und Spielzeugen für Haustiere finden und unsere 3-Dollar-Tüten Süßigkeiten in der Süßigkeitenabteilung”, sagte Dreiling.

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Führungskräfte von Dollar Tree sagten in dem Telefonat, dass die Demografie ihrer Kunden zu höheren Einkommensklassen tendiere.

“Die am schnellsten wachsende Bevölkerungsgruppe hat ein Jahreseinkommen von über 125.000 Dollar”, sagte er. “Es ist nicht so, dass der Nordosten stark und der Westen schwach ist. Das Boot hebt sich ziemlich gleichmäßig bis ganz nach oben.”

Beitrag: USA TODAY

Gabe Hauari ist nationaler Trendnachrichtenreporter bei USA TODAY. Sie können ihm auf X folgen. @GabeHauari oder senden Sie ihm eine E-Mail an Gdhauari@gannett.com.


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Dollar Tree übernimmt Dutzende 99 Cents Only Stores in 4 Bundesstaaten - Nachrichten aus aller Welt (2024)


What is Dollar Tree's plan for 99 Cents Only Stores? ›

The retailer also bought up the rights to 170 store leases, with plans to rebrand and reopen them “as early as fall 2024.” Dollar Tree Inc. is acquiring 99 Cents Only Store's intellectual property in North America as its competitor goes out of business.

Did Dollar Tree buy out 99 Cent stores? ›

DOWNEY — Dollar Tree has acquired the leases of dozens of 99 Cents Only Stores and will reopen these stores with its own products as early as fall 2024, the company announced. The leases acquired by the company span across Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas, and include the Downey store on Paramount Boulevard.

What is the difference between the 99 cent store and the Dollar Tree? ›

The two chains are very different, and the announcement is a sign of consolidation in the retail industry. 99 Cents Only was a regional chain and sold groceries. Dollar Tree, a national company with mostly suburban locations, primarily offers discretionary merchandise like party supplies and home goods.

What will the 99 Cent store turn into? ›

Dollar Tree looks forward to welcoming customers from 99 Cents Only Stores as early as fall 2024. About Dollar Tree, Inc.

Who is the owner of 99 Cent Store? ›

Who is Dollar Tree merging with? ›

A New Chapter

We've brought Family Dollar and Dollar Tree together under one roof, starting in small, rural towns across the country that had limited retail options. Our customers love the concept and we are expanding past just small towns.

Is Dollar Tree part of Walmart? ›

Dollar Tree, Inc. is not owned by Walmart. It is an independent company. It owns Dollar Tree, Dollar Bills and also a subsidiary known as Family Dollar. The parent company was once known as Only $1.00.

Why is Dollar Tree able to sell so cheap? ›

Purchase Cost

Dollar stores buy a lot of inventory at a time so they can sell things cheaply. Much of the inventory dollar stores purchase cost less than a $1 because they're damaged. But it's buyer beware with items like toys, which can break easily at times.

Why is Dollar Tree still called Dollar Tree? ›

This shift allows the company to offer a broader range of products, including larger or higher-quality items that may not be feasible to sell at the one-dollar price point. Despite the inclusion of items priced above one dollar, Dollar Tree has retained its brand name for continuity and recognition among consumers.

Why Dollar General is better than Dollar Tree? ›

Some of the products may not last for long, and you might have to replace them quickly. On the other hand, Dollar General sells products that cost more, but you can expect the quality to be higher. So, if you are looking for better quality products that might last longer, Dollar General is the way to go.

Is Dollar Tree cheaper than Family Dollar? ›

Family Dollar was bought by Dollar Tree in 2015. Together, both Dollar Tree and Family Dollar have over 16,000 locations. Unlike Dollar Tree, not everything at Family Dollar costs just $1.25. Prices for its items range between $1 to $10, with most items typically costing from $3 to $5.

Is Dollar Tree taking over 99 Cent stores? ›

Dollar Tree Inc. announced Wednesday that it will be taking over 170 locations previously occupied by 99 Cents Only stores across four states, including California.

Who is taking over the 99 cent store? ›

The retailer also bought up the rights to 170 store leases, with plans to rebrand and reopen them “as early as fall 2024.” This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback.

What is the new name for the 99 cent store? ›

Dozens of closed 99 Cents Only locations across Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas could reopen as Dollar Tree stores. The bargain retailer confirmed Wednesday that it acquired the rights for 170 of the 99 Cents Only stores across the four states.

What is Dollar Tree's strategy? ›

Dollar Tree is implementing a “multi-price” strategy in which it will sell a greater variety of products with the aim of winning over new customers. Over the past year, the retailer has sold groceries that cost $3 to $5.

Who is Dollar Tree's biggest competitor? ›

Dollar General is the largest dollar store with over 19,000 locations, more than double the number of the 8,000 Dollar Tree stores.

What's the difference between Dollar General and Dollar Tree? ›

Dollar Tree focuses more on in-store specials and weekly ads showing low-priced items. Dollar General has a whole webpage dedicated to coupons and cash-back deals. This includes coupons for specific brands and items.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.