Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (2024)

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Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (1)

Eight of Swords Tarot Card

Belonging to the Suit of Swords of the Minor Arcana, the Eight of Swords tarot card represents restriction, confinement, fear, trapped, and self-imposed limitations.

Traditionally, the Eight of Swords typically depicts a woman blindfolded and bound, surrounded by eight swords. This imagery suggests that the seeker is feeling confined or limited by their own mental or emotional state. The blindfold indicates a lack of clarity or self-awareness, and the swords represent the mental barriers or obstacles that seem insurmountable. The Eight of Swords also often signifies helplessness, self-doubt, or being stuck in a challenging situation. That being said, it also suggests that these limitations are often self-imposed and that there may be a way to break free from them with a change in perspective or approach.

From an esoteric perspective, the Eight of Swords is associated with the number eight. In numerology, eight is often seen as a number of power, transformation, and regeneration. It represents cycles and the potential for growth and change. Additionally, this card is linked to the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and, more specifically, to Jupiter in Gemini. Gemini is known for its intellectual and communicative qualities, and Jupiter is associated with expansion, abundance, and opportunities. These connections teach us that the limitations symbolized by the Eight of Swords can be transcended through intellectual exploration, open-mindedness, and a willingness to embrace new perspectives. By harnessing the power of thought and communication one can overcome mental barriers and find solutions to their challenges.

Some questions the Eight of Swords invites you to ponder…

  1. What self-imposed limitations or fears are currently holding me back from pursuing my goals or desires?
  2. How can I gain a clearer understanding of the mental obstacles that seem to be restricting me?
  3. What steps can I take to break free from the feeling of being trapped or helpless in my current situation?
  4. What new perspectives or ideas can I explore to overcome my doubts and insecurities?
  5. In what ways can I harness the power of my thoughts and communication skills to navigate challenges and find solutions?

In this post, we’ll be going over the Eight of Swords’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Eight of Swords as a person (or significator), the Eight of Swords as feelings, and the Eight of Swords as a yes or no. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning to explore the world of divination, the Eight of Swords offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating life’s challenges with wisdom, discernment, and inner peace.

Eight of Swords Keywords

Upright:Restriction, Confinement, Fear, Isolation, Self-doubt, Bound, Trapped, Blindfolded, Powerlessness, Hindered, Imprisonment, Mental anguish
Reversed:Freedom, Release, Clarity, Liberation, Empowerment, Breakthrough, Optimism, Escape, New Perspectives, Self-Belief, Open Paths, Courage
Zodiac:Jupiter in Gemini
Number:8 (balance, strength, transformation)
Yes or NoYes

Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Eight of Swords Tarot card!

Eight of Swords (Upright)

When the Eight of Swords appears upright, it can indicate being physically confined or restricted in some aspect of life, such as being in a job or relationship that feels stifling. It may manifest as experiencing health issues related to stress or anxiety, which can make you feel bound by worries and limitations. In some cases, it can also suggest feeling trapped in a particular location or environment, like being stuck in a place that limits your mobility or your ability to express yourself fully.

Furthermore, receiving the Eight of Swords might point to a situation where communication is hindered or challenging, potentially leading to misunderstandings or miscommunication in your physical interactions with others. This card can be a sign that constraints can manifest in your world when you allow self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs to take hold.


The Eight of Swords advises you that it’s time to confront and dismantle the self-imposed limitations and fears that may be holding you back. Gain a clearer understanding of the mental barriers that restrict your progress. Actively seek out new perspectives and solutions. Go with the flow. Be open to different viewpoints, for it’s through intellectual exploration and communication that you can find your path to freedom. Courageously step out of your comfort zone. Break free from the constraints that have bound you. Trust in your ability to overcome challenges.

When you see the Eight of Swords, the best course of action is to acknowledge your power, take control of your thoughts, and navigate your circ*mstances with renewed self-belief.

Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (2)

Eight of Swords (Reversed)

When the Eight of Swords appears reversed, it signifies a release from self-imposed limitations and a newfound sense of freedom. This reversal can manifest as a palpable sense of relief and lightness in one’s body as if the weight of mental or emotional burdens has been lifted. It may also symbolize improved health and vitality, suggesting that any physical ailments or discomforts are beginning to subside.

The Eight of Swords reversed can bring about a sense of clarity and empowerment. You may find yourself more willing to confront your fears and anxieties, stepping outside your comfort zone with newfound courage. It often comes up for positive transformation where old beliefs and thought patterns no longer hold sway, allowing for personal growth and progress.

In relationships, this reversal can reveal a willingness to break free from toxic dynamics or unfulfilling situations, paving the way for healthier and more harmonious connections.


As advice, the reversed Eight of Swords encourages you to recognize and break free from the mental or emotional constraints that have been holding you back. It urges you to trust in your inner strength and believe in your abilities. Embrace freedom and self-empowerment. Release self-imposed limitations and fears. Take steps toward exploring new perspectives and stepping outside your comfort zone.

Open communication and a willingness to confront challenges with a clear mind will lead you to more harmonious relationships and a path of self-discovery. In essence, the reversed Eight of Swords advises you to boldly navigate life’s obstacles with confidence and optimism, knowing that you have the power to overcome any challenges that lie ahead.

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Eight of Swords as a Person

The Eight of Swords symbolizes someone who is experiencing a profound sense of restriction and self-imposed limitations in their life. This person may find themselves in a mental or emotional prison, paralyzed by fear, self-doubt, or negative thought patterns. They might feel trapped in a situation or relationship, unable to see a way out due to their own perceived barriers.

In readings, this card can show a person who may be overly critical of themselves and their abilities, leading to a lack of self-confidence and a reluctance to take risks. Someone embodying Eight of Swords energy is often not necessarily a victim of external circ*mstances but rather someone who has the power to break free from their mental constraints with a change in perspective and self-belief.

That being said, underneath it all, these people often possess a curious and expansive intellect, though their fear and self-doubt can hinder the full expression of their potential. At their best, they have a highly analytical mind, thrive on learning, and excel in communication, making them naturally adaptable and sociable. However, their innate thirst for knowledge, expression, or exploration might become constrained by overthinking or anxiety, leading to self-imposed mental barriers.

This person may struggle with decision-making due to a tendency to see multiple perspectives and possibilities, and they may need to work on channeling their intellectual gifts with confidence, rather than succumbing to mental entrapment. They may be an Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) Sun, Moon, or rising or they could have other prominent Air placements in their astrological natal chart.

Eight of Swords (Reversed) as a Person

The Eight of Swords reversed often represents someone who has successfully overcome their limitations and is now experiencing a sense of liberation and empowerment. This person may have previously been trapped or restricted by their fears, doubts, or circ*mstances, but they have managed to break free from these mental constraints.

This reversal can show someone who, through deep inner work, exudes confidence and a willingness to embrace new challenges and opportunities. They have emerged from self-reflection and introspection with clarity, making them excellent problem solvers and communicators. The reversed Eight of Swords person is open to exploring diverse perspectives and is unafraid to confront their inner demons, making them resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity.

This person also embodies the spirit of personal growth and transformation. They have recognized their inner strength and harnessed it to navigate life’s complexities with courage. Relationships with them are often marked by healthier dynamics as they are more willing to communicate openly, resolve conflicts, and let go of toxic patterns.

Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (5)
Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (6)

Eight of Swords as Feelings

The Eight of Swords represents a sense of being trapped or restricted emotionally. It might reveal feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, or fear, so someone may feel as though they are unable to express their feelings freely or that they are held back by inner barriers.

In love readings, these emotions could manifest as a reluctance to open up to a potential partner, fear of rejection, or a sense of being stuck in a current relationship that is not conducive to their emotional well-being. It suggests a need for introspection and a willingness to confront and overcome these emotional limitations in order to foster healthier and more fulfilling romantic connections.

Eight of Swords (Reversed) as Feelings

The Eight of Swords reversed signifies feelings of relief and emotional liberation. Emotions with this reversal are characterized by a release from the constraints of self-doubt, anxiety, and limitations that may have held one back in the past. There may be renewed feelings of clarity and optimism, and there’s a strong desire to break free from any emotional entanglements or negative thought patterns that have hindered personal growth. Emotionally, this reversal is a sign of being more open to exploring new perspectives and facing fears head-on, which can be incredibly empowering.

In the realm of romantic feelings, the reversed Eight of Swords suggests that someone may be moving beyond feelings of uncertainty, doubt, or emotional confinement in a relationship. It can come up for a period of healing and growth within the partnership, where one or both partners may be shedding past baggage and insecurities. This reversal often signifies a fresh start or a rekindling of romantic feelings, characterized by increased communication, trust, and a sense of mutual empowerment.

Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (7)

Eight of Swords: Yes or No

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Eight of Swords is typically associated with a “no” or a negative answer. This card often represents restriction, limitation, and being stuck in a challenging situation, so it can suggest that there may be obstacles or barriers in the way that prevent a straightforward or positive outcome.

Eight of Swords(Reversed): Yes or No

The Eight of Swords reversed in a yes or no tarot reading typically suggests a positive shift or an overcoming of obstacles, so it often leans towards a “yes” answer. However, it’s important to remember that while the reversed Eight of Swords is generally favorable, it’s advisable to consider the specifics of your question or consult with a professional tarot reader for a personalized reading.

Key Takeaway

The key takeaway from the Eight of Swords is the theme of self-imposed limitations and the perception of being trapped or restricted by one’s own thoughts, fears, or circ*mstances. It serves as a reminder that often the greatest barriers we face are the ones we create in our minds. To overcome these challenges, one must seek clarity, self-awareness, and the courage to break free from mental constraints.

In essence, the Eight of Swords encourages a shift in perspective, open communication, and the willingness to confront fears, ultimately leading to liberation and personal growth.

Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (9)

And that concludes our exploration of the Eight of Swords tarot card! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!


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Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (2024)


What does the 8 of swords upright mean? ›

In its upright position, the Eight of Swords signifies a feeling of being trapped, restricted, and backed into a corner. It represents negative thoughts, self-imposed limitations, and a victim mentality. You may find yourself imprisoned by your own beliefs and unable to see the possibilities for change.

What is the 8 of swords advice? ›

The Eight of Swords is an invitation to reach in and find solidarity with your sense of self. It asks you to take a look at your mindsets, belief systems and communication and find your way to trusting those things completely. Stop doubting your mind and start being your own support system.

Is the 8 of swords yes or no reversed? ›

A reversed Eight of Swords is a “yes.” The reversed Eight of Swords is a positive answer, but with a caveat. It suggests that the “yes” won't come easily or without a little effort on your part, but that if you work to overcome your obstacles and face the challenges in your way, your positive answer will be realized.

What is the 8 of swords love outcome? ›

In reading for love and relationship, the Eight of Swords is considered inauspicious if you are in a relationship because it can indicate feeling backed into a corner or stuck in your relationship. Even if it may seem as though there is no way out, that is only how you perceive things.

What does the 8 of swords in the future mean? ›

All of the things that you are putting up with in the present can lead you into a position where suddenly you are kept from all the possibilities of life outside a narrow scope. Seeing the Eight of Swords in the future position warns you that current comforts may become tomorrow's ties that bind.

What is the 8th tarot card strength? ›

Strength is the loving determination to live, to love, to be wholeheartedly ourselves and create space for others to do the same. This card celebrates emotional labour and shines a light on how powerful that often unsung, unglamorous work can be. To my mind, it's the biggest challenge presented in the tarot.

What do swords symbolize in Tarot? ›

The swords symbolize the intellect, and the heart, the emotions which always suffer under this treatment. The Four of Swords symbolizes avoidance. Setting problems to the side, (the swords on the wall), while one prays for deliverance. This card can also represent surrender, or in some cases, pacifism.

What is the advice of 8 wands in Tarot? ›

In conclusion, the Eight of Wands is a card of momentum, progress, and excitement. It urges us to embrace opportunities, trust our instincts, and take decisive action towards our goals. By harnessing the energy of the universe and aligning our desires with our actions, we can manifest our dreams into reality.

What is the motivation of the Eight of Swords? ›

The Eight of Swords is exactly that. It is what happens when you try to put limitations on words or thought. The motivation behind this may be lofty, to not hurt feelings or keep thoughts on divine rather than base matters.

What does the 8 mean in Tarot cards? ›

8. FORTITUDE.—Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity; also complete success and honours. Reversed: Despotism, abuse of power, weakness, discord, sometimes even disgrace. In astrology, the Strength card is associated with the masculine, fixed-fire sign of Leo and its ruling planetary body, the Sun.

Is the moon in reverse a yes or no? ›

However, the Moon Card in reversed position is a "YES". Your efforts and hardships will finally pay off. It indicates that you are on the right path and have what it takes to face challenges and eventually win them. The card in reverse reminds you of your strengths and the things you can achieve further in life.

What is the Eight of Swords advice? ›

This card can advise you to isolate yourself from a situation. Instead of getting involved, get as far away as you can. You can't see what you need to do at this time. Give yourself more time to ponder the way forward.

What is the ace of love in tarot? ›

Love and Relationships (Upright)

Take it positively if you pulled the upright Ace of cards in a love reading. The Ace of Cups, one of the brightest cards in a relationship tarot reading, denotes the emergence of fresh feelings. This can be a sign that you'll meet someone new.

What is the balance of swords? ›

Different swords have their balance points in different positions. However, with most swords, you will find a balance point 2 to 3 inches above the blade. In other words, find the bottom of the blade where the metal meets the handle.

What does the 8 card mean in Tarot? ›

8. FORTITUDE. —Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity; also complete success and honours. Reversed: Despotism, abuse of power, weakness, discord, sometimes even disgrace. In astrology, the Strength card is associated with the masculine, fixed-fire sign of Leo and its ruling planetary body, the Sun.

What do Swords symbolize in Tarot? ›

The swords symbolize the intellect, and the heart, the emotions which always suffer under this treatment. The Four of Swords symbolizes avoidance. Setting problems to the side, (the swords on the wall), while one prays for deliverance. This card can also represent surrender, or in some cases, pacifism.

What does the 8 of wands predict? ›

The Eight of Wands tarot card holds a powerful message of swift action, rapid progression, and forward momentum. It urges us to seize opportunities and anticipate swift outcomes. Like rockets soaring through the sky, our desires are quickly moving from the realm of imagination to the realm of tangible existence.

What does the 8 of wands mean in Tarot? ›

When the Eight of Wands appears in a tarot reading, it provides a cosmic signal from the universe that everything is about to get moving and FAST! The message is loud and clear: whatever it is that you want to do, like you REALLY want to do, you must do it and you must do it now.

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