Registration - St. Tammany Parish Public Schools (2025)

What school will my child attend?

To find the school your child will attend, go to and type in your street address (without city and state).

My child is starting school for the first time at the beginning of next school year. When and where will registration take place?

Registration is available online in the spring and again in July before school begins. In-person registration takes place two days in July. Apply online or get registration dates at Families of Pre-K students must apply for the Pre-K program before registering. Link:

My child is entering the St. Tammany Parish Public School System for the first time after school has started. How do I register him/her?

Parents wishing to register their children after the school year begins may register online at or visit the school where their children will attend.

Does the parent or guardian need to be present to complete the registration process?

Only a parent or court-appointed guardian may register a student. Court-appointed guardians must provide custody papers at the time of registration.

Does my child qualify for the Pre K program?

To qualify for free regular education Pre K, a child must be four years old by September 30th, meet income requirements and live in the attendance area served by the school. Paid tuition spots may be available for those who do not meet the income requirements if all seats are not filled. Those seeking free Pre K spots must provide income documents to determine their eligibility. For more information, visit the Pre K webpage or call the St. Tammany Parish Early Childhood Office at 985-898-3306.

How old does my child need to be to enter Kindergarten or first grade?

Children must be five years old before October 1 to be eligible for kindergarten and must be six years old before October 1 to be eligible for first grade.

Does my child have to attend Kindergarten before enrolling in first grade?

To enroll in first grade a student must have proof of attendance at a full-day public or private kindergarten for a full academic year or have passed academic readiness screening at the time of enrollment at the school.

What if I don’t have my child’s birth certificate?

Contact the Vital Records Department in the state where the child was born to get a copy. If the child was born in Louisiana, the parent/guardian can get a copy of the birth certificate by visiting the St. Tammany Clerk of Court’s Office at the Towers Building in Slidell at 520 Old Spanish Trail and the St. Tammany Parish Justice Center (Courthouse) in Covington at 701 N. Columbia St.

My child is transferring to a different school in the district. How do I withdraw him/her from the current school and register at the new school?

Students changing schools within the St. Tammany Parish Public School System (other than students going to another school because of grade promotion) must withdraw from the school they are currently attending and bring the withdrawal documentation and three documents needed for proof of residency (address) to the new school during registration.

If you do not have the three documents needed for proof of residency, contact the Covington Attendance Office at 985-898-3370 or Slidell Attendance Office at 985-646-4917 before withdrawing and prior to attempting registration at the new school.

My child is entering the St. Tammany Parish Public School System from a home study or non- accredited private school. How do I register?

Follow the registration procedures for students entering the St. Tammany Parish Public School System for the first time.

Students entering grade 5 or 9 must take the State Placement Test. See the State Placement Test application which must be submitted to the district testing office.

Students enrolling in grades 9-12 coming from a home study or non-approved nonpublic school may take proficiency tests to obtain Carnegie credit for previously completed courses. If you have any questions about the State Placement Test or proficiency testing, please call 985-898-6481.

I can’t find my child’s social security card. How can I get a replacement card?

Contact the Social Security Administration to get a replacement card.

What immunizations (shots) does my child need before entering school?

The St. Tammany Parish School Board shall require each student entering any school for the first time and at any other time to present satisfactory evidence of immunity to or immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases according to state law and a schedule approved by the state Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Office of Public Health (OPH), or present evidence of an immunization program in progress. The School Board may require immunizations or proof of immunity more extensive than required by the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Office of Public Health (OPH). Any student failing to meet the immunization standards shall be prohibited from attending school until such time as the immunization standards are met.

“Due now” shall mean that the student has an immunization due after the date school has begun, because the student began his/her immunization late, or because the student’s pediatrician has provided written orders for the student to receive an immunization after a certain date.

A student transferring from another school system in or out of the state shall submit either a certificate of immunization or a letter from his/her personal physician or a public health clinic indicating immunization against the diseases in the schedule approved by the Office of Public Health have been performed, or a statement that such immunizations are in progress. If booster injections for the diseases enumerated on the state schedule are advised, such booster injections shall be administered before the student enters a school system within the state.

Refer to La. R.S. 17:170 for additional provisions on immunization requirements.

My child hasn’t had the required immunizations (shots). Where can I get more information or assistance?

Contact the Slidell St. Tammany Community Health Center at 985-607-0400, Covington Community Wellness Center at 985-871-6030 or the Greater New Orleans (GNO) Immunization Network Mobile Unit at 504-733-3268 for immunization information or assistance.

What documents do I need bring to registration to verify my residency (address)?

Please bring at least 3 documents that verify the street address of your residence. All documents must be the most current available and list the name of the parent or legal guardian and the street address.

At least one of the documents must be a current utility bill dated within the last 30 days (electric, water, natural gas or propane/butane), a property tax bill listing homestead exemption, or a signed real estate lease agreement from a real estate office, apartment complex or mobile home property, not from an individual.

The other documents may include the following: paycheck stub, car insurance declarations page, vehicle registration, bank statement, voter registration card, state/federal support services, current year W-2 form or most recent federal or state income tax return or a cable or satellite bill dated within the last 30 days.

What if I don’t have all of the documents needed to verify my residency (address)?

Contact the Covington Attendance Office at 985-898-3370 or Slidell Attendance Office at 985-646-4917 for assistance. If all necessary documents are not submitted, the student will not be registered until documents are received.

Can the documents I bring to registration to verify my address be in my spouse’s name?

If the spouse whose name is listed on the address verification documents is the child’s parent or legal guardian, the documents will be accepted. If the spouse is not the child’s parent or legal guardian, the address verification documents will only be accepted if you also provide a marriage certificate listing your name and your spouse’s name.

What custody papers do I have to provide at registration?

Parents or guardians granted custodial rights of a student must present at registration the custody papers granted through a court system. Notarized Provisional Custody or Custody by Mandate are not generally accepted.

Does citizenship or homeless status affect my child being registered for school?

This school district will comply with all laws relating to the enrollment and education, as far as practicable, of all students regardless of their citizenship or homeless status. The document requirements for registration and enrollment will not be used to adversely affect any student from receiving an education regardless of their citizenship or homeless status.

What if my child was born outside of the United States and was never issued a birth certificate?

If the child was never issued a birth certificate, a substitute such as Religious Certificate, Entry in family bible, Adoption record, Affidavit from parent or guardian, previously verified school records or Foreign Certificate of Birth may be provided.

What if my child doesn’t have a social security number or card?

If no Social Security card is available, the student will be assigned an alternate identification number. The inability or failure of the student, parents or guardians to provide a social security card or number will not, on that basis alone, result in the denial of enrollment, registration or delivery of educational services to any student.

I have questions about registering my child. Who can I contact for more information?

Contact the school your child will attend for assistance.

Registration - St. Tammany Parish Public Schools (2025)


How many days of school can you miss in St. Tammany parish? ›

Students are expected to be in attendance every day that is scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board. State law requires that a student not miss more than 10 days within a school year.

What is proof of residency for St Tammany school Board? ›

a current utility bill dated within the last 30 days (electric, natural gas, water or propane/butane); and/or. a property tax bill listing homestead exemption, or.

What is the sick policy for St Tammany Parish School Board? ›

The St. Tammany Parish School Board shall grant all employees hired for the school year or longer a minimum of ten (10) days absence per year because of personal illness or other emergencies or special circumstances without loss of pay.

Is there a school for dyslexia in St Tammany Parish? ›

Louisiana Key Academy Northshore (LKA NS) is the 2nd school to open under the LKA umbrella. The mission of the school is to educate students with dyslexia in an evidence-based education.

Do excused absences count against you in Louisiana? ›

Exempted excused absences are absences which are not considered for purposes of truancy and which are not considered when determining whether or not a student is eligible to make up work and tests, receive credit for work completed, and receive credit for a course and/or school year completed.

What is the punishment for truancy in Louisiana? ›

a fine of not less than $25 and not more than $500 for each offense or. imprisonment for not more than 90 days or. both. completion of 40 hours of school/community service or.

What is the best proof of residency? ›

Generally, a proof of address can be one of the following documents:
  • Utility bill (such as water, electricity, gas, telephone, or Internet). ...
  • Driver's licence.
  • Credit card bill, or statement.
  • Bank statement, or reference letter.
  • Mortgage statement, or contract.
  • Letter issued by a public authority (like a courthouse)
Apr 28, 2023

Can you go to a school outside of your district in Louisiana? ›

Open enrollment policies

Under intra-district enrollment policies, students may transfer to schools within their home districts. Under inter-district enrollment policies, students may transfer to schools outside of their home districts.

What is proof of address for child? ›

your most recent family tax credit letter which clearly states your child's name and address. a letter from your child's GP, dentist, hospital or optician. your child's NHS medical card. your child's trust fund document.

How much does St Tammany Parish school pay substitute teachers? ›

The average Substitute Teacher base salary at St. Tammany Parish Public Schools is $18 per hour.

How much does the superintendent of St Tammany Parish school make? ›

St. Tammany Parish Superintendent Frank Jabbia signed a four-year contract in 2020 for $215,000 annually.

How many schools does St Tammany Parish have? ›

As a leader in education, our School System educates over 37,000 students in 55 schools across St. Tammany Parish.

What does swe mean in education? ›

Talented Program. The Talented Arts Program is a part of the SWE (Students with Exceptionalities) Department in St.

Is dyslexia a disability in Louisiana? ›

Children with disabilities such as dyslexia may also qualify for services under Section 504. This law is intended to provide services designed to meet the individual educational needs of students with disabilities as adequately as those without disabilities.

What is the school test for dyslexia? ›

The assessment itself may involve observing your child in their learning environment, talking with key adults involved with your child's learning, and asking your child to take part in a series of tests. These tests may examine your child's: reading and writing abilities. language development and vocabulary.

How many days can you miss in high school in Louisiana? ›

High School Students:

Based on a standard 360 minute instructional day, this means that students in a high school on a semester system can miss no more than 7 days per class in the 90-day first semester and 7 days per class in the 93-day second semester.

How many school days are required in Louisiana? ›

Download Table Data
StateMinimum Number of DaysAdditional Details
Louisiana177 daysDays or minutes. | For comparison, the instructional minutes are equivalent to: 1,062 hours.
Vermont175 days
Wyoming175 days
Kentucky170 daysMust also include 4 professional development days.
40 more rows

How many days can a child miss school in Jefferson Parish? ›

After 5 tardies, disciplinary action will be taken. Students who have 14 unexcused absences will be eligible for retention for the year.

What is truancy law RS 17 233 in Louisiana? ›

Any student who is a juvenile and who is habitually absent from school or is habitually tardy shall be reported by visiting teachers and supervisors of child welfare and attendance to the family or juvenile court of the parish or city as a truant child, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2 of Title VII of the ...

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.