The Commercial-Mail from Columbia City, Indiana (2024)

Monday, July 6, 1953 Page Two COLUMBIA CITY last Sunday. After the dinner they OUT OUR WAV Appointments Made By J. R. Williams The Commercial-Mail Columbia City, Indiana Telephone 153 DAILY ESTABLISHED 1896 15-Year-Old Boy Says Quietly "I Was A Chump" MMW HO, WO, HE DIDM'T NWj fj SUCH A M' JUU WMTfl RUM THROUGH TH' I I WELCOME 6REASE.SO YOU'RE llljl I 1 O.K.! BOY. 1 WOM'T ILL HE THE FERGET TO CLEAM .3 I SWEETEST rn IT UP MOW AFTER 'i'J II1 THIM03 jj SLJ-tSCA I 1 B.

Walker, Allen B. Neace, John Deck, Henry R. Bennett, Amanda Bennett All of the women once known by any of the names and designations above stated, whose names may have been changed, and who are now known by other names, the names of all of whom are unknow to the Plaintiffs. The spouses of all of the persons above named, described and designated as defendants to this action who are married, the names of all of hom are unknown to the Plaintiffs. AU persons and corporations who assert or might assert any title, claim or Interest in or lien upon the real estate described in the Complaint in this action, by; under or through any of the defendants to this action named, des-cribed and designated in said Complaint, the names of all of whom are unknown to the Plaintiffs.

That this action is for the purpose of quieting (he title to real estate in the State Of Indiana, and a cause of action exists against all of said Defendants. That all of said Defendants are necessary parties to said action and that they are believed to be nonresidents of the State of Indiana. That the real estate on which the title sought to be Quieted in whEM VOU'P LOVE TO LIVE rOgEVgg. Studebaker Receives Fashion Academy Award BELOIT, Wis. UK A 15-year- old boy stared at the bandaged stumps today and said quietly "I was a chump.

Robert lost both hands when his homemade Fourth of July fireworks exploded prema turely in the family garage Satur day. "I'm going to have to figure out some way to make a living without hands," he said. "Maybe I'll try to get authorities to make peo-pde stop buying and selling fire works and stuff that can make explosives." Robert decided to make some sparklers and flares when he and his sister Mary, 14, were unable to buy fireworks to set off themselves. He had been given an elaborate chemistry set some time ago, but his parents had talked him but of a plan then to make gunpowder. He began mixing potassium chlorate, sulphur and saltpeter Saturday while his father worked beneath the car nearby and his sister played in the yard outside.

Suddenly there was an explosion that shook the garage, shattered the windows and wreck-( ed his working table. Robert staggered backward, with his right hand blown away, and the left badly mangled. His father, Charles, was momentarily deafened by the blast and was treated at a hospital for shock. A neighbor applied tourniquets and called an ambulance. Doctors had to amputate the left hand.

The boy asked his grief-stricken mother to take the chemistry set to the police station so officers could use it to impress other children with the danger. His mother said she realized that "I shouln't have let him try," to make the gunpowder. But Robert took all the blame himself. "I was a chump," he said. You'll Find It In The Classifieds Notice Of Sale Of Real Estate NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that the heirs of Alma Swineheart- deceased, will, on July 0, 1953.

and from day to day thereafter until sold, sell at private sale at the law offices of Gates and Gates in Columbia City, Indiana, a mod ern residence situated at Areola, Indiana. A bungalow type house 4 rooms, bath, full basem*nt, garage, wftlj an upstairs unfinished. The lot is 120' 150'. The first house west of school at Areola Terms of Sale: CASH Prospective purchasers may contact Everett Swineheart, R. R.

5, Columbia City. Telephone Areola 31F12 for appointment to see house. J29Jy6.13 3tPiM Vol. 57 No. Published Daliy Except Sunday at 116 N.

Chauncey Street Columbia City, Indiana inieiw as second class matter UnoVr Act of Congress March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates Dally per year by mail in Whitley and adjoining counties $6 00 Six months $3.50 Per month SO Daily per year outside Whitley and adjoining counties 7 00 Six months $4 00 Per month .70 National advertising representative bcheerer at company 35 Wacker Drive, Chicago 14 Lexington New Yorx City Published By The Post Mail Publishing Inc Pierceton News MRS. JOHN TUTTLE The Youth Institute of the Methodist church is being held this week at Epworth Forest. On Sanday Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Snyder. Sir. and Mrs. Clarence Salmon. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul McFarren and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker drove the following boys and girls to camp: Robert Baker, Robert Snyder, David Slusher, Philip McFarren, Anita Outcut, Jeanette Belamy, Dick Belamy, Sandra Salmon, Barbara Van Dine and Carol Suyder. The Rev.

Jack Aebersaed and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Robert E'nhart are serving as camp cooks and supervisors. Mr. and Mrs.

Press Taulbee of Taulbee. were recent visitors in the home of their grandmother. Mrs. Daniel Taulbee of Larwill. The elder Mrs.

Taulbee has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Tuttle and family and Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse Walerson were Tuesday evening cuc-sts of Mr. and Mrs. Ferajer of Columbia City. The Yellowstone Trail club, a social organization, met Wednesday evening in the club house, vilh Mrs. Walter Gradeless and Sirs.

Charles Collins as co-hostesses. Cake and fruit salad were enjoyed by the members and their eiildren. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweteye of Salem, became the parents of a sun.

William James, on June 19. Mrs. Sweteye is the former Josephine Butvman, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Bowman. Mrs.

H. O. Stickler of Columbia City was an all-night guest Fn-1 day night of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stickler and daughter, Laura Marie.

Phil Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, is spending a few days in the onie of Mr. and Mi's. Levi Warring.

Mrs. Bowman left by train last Vecinesday for Salem. where she is pelting acquainted the newly-arrived grandson. She t-x'H'cts to return home In a week. The Keystone Sunday Sctiool class met recently at the Syracuse park.

Eight couples and their families enjoyed a potluck supper. A short business meeting Mas held following the supper. and Mrs. Lewis Baily entertained Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Red-lin. of Winamack, at their- home MA i -V visited at the home of Mr. Bally parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Baily. Others present there were Mr End Mrs. Hayden Jones and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baily and family and Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Widman and family. James Tuttle. Richard Reed and Richard Rothgeb attended a ball game recently at Chicago. Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Baker were Sunday evening guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Baily and family. The group enjoyed home mpd ice cream.

Rev. and Mrs. John Omerod held open house and dedication services last Sunday for thei new home. Fifty members and guests called at the Omerod home during the afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Beebe and daughter Susan, had as their Thursday evening dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. R. W.

Jackson, of Fort Wayne. Mrs. Garrett Fruchey went by auto last Monday to Marion where she visited with her son and fam ily. Air. and Mrs.

Charles Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Haymes, of Chicago, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Long and family. Mrs. Robert Lonx at'ended shower last Wednesday evening given for Mrs. Donald Hawn of Eina Green. Mrs.

James Tuttle and daughter Marilyn recently attended a wedd ing at Kokomo. Rev. Jack Aebersold attended a World Convocation of Evangelism held last weekend at Philadelphia. Penna. Mr.

and fairs. Garrett Fruchey visited with Mr. Fruchey's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fruch ey last Sunday.

The Fruchey family en.ioyed a family get-together arid dinner. Mr. and Mrs. William Helfrich and family of Larwill were Sun day callers of Mr. and Mrs.

Keith Smith. Gov. Craig Plans For Tour Next To Be Non-Political INDIANAPOLIS Gov Craig p.ns an Ir.drana tour next fall which nay match his election campaign travels iast year. But tr.e tour bi as ron- The S'iie Public Inior- mcie a 'grass zi'" rep of Iraore nir. ihtu eaten it t'r1 bec-u this 2 year.

Never mjc of the rA ei-Gv Sehfutos-r due to hi' frecutn arvjrd state shakir.g hands and meeting people Tfiey said Craij be aiming at tlie same goal in tr. eliort to promote r.i.Tstlf for a higher liticai office. George Washington Arrested On July 4 AXNISTON. Aia. Georse Washington was arrested here on Independence fjay.

He was fined S6 for making an illegal left turn. -U A 4 Tw wm4 art all avail, abl lor th WD Tradar. All Oav ydrovlk control wild dclayaa Hfl rl taa bar. WW INDIANAPOLIS im Governor Craig today announced the appoint ment of seven persons to the new public employe retirement fund study commission: A. J.

McAndless, Fort Wayne, chairman: W. L. Ayres, Purdue University, Lafayette; Dean Mitchell, Hammond; Harry T. Ice, Indianapolis; Eugene H. Schwartz, East Chicago; Rep.

Walter H. Maehling, Terre Haute, and Sen. Freeman Yeager, South Bend. Tut Combination Ptpptr. can be used to good id-rantagt combined with other vegetable.


15429 Comes now Plaintiffs by Gates and Gates, their Attorneys, and files their Complaint herein, to gether with their Affidavit of a competent person that the following named Defendants are non-residents of the State of Indiana, to-wit: i Olive Strong, Georgia Malissa McDague, Jesse Bennett, Winfield S. Candy, W. S. John Johnson or John Johnston, Jane Johnson or Jane Johnston, I wife of John Johnson or John Johnston, Augusta Geiger, Augusta Dailey, Nancy M. Bear, James Geiger, Mary E.

Geiger, his wife, Susan Winebrenner, David Winebrenner, her husband, Sarah I. Christian, Oscar R. Christian her husband, Harriet A. Hutsel, John W. Hutsel, her husband, Samuel Deck, Catharine Deck, his wife, Elizabeth Jones, Thomas Jones, her husband, George Gund-er, Sarah C.

Gunder, his wife, William B. Walker, Allen B. Neace, John Deck, Lucy Deck, his wife, Henry B. Bennett, Amanda Bennett, his wife. The unknown husbands and wives respectively of each of the following named persons: Olive Strong, Georgia Strong, Malissa McDague, Jesse Bennett, Winfield S.

Gandy, V. S. Gandy, Nancy M. Bear, William B. Walker, Allen B.

Neace, Augusta Geiger, Augusta Dailey. The unknown widowers, widows, children, descendants, heirs, sur-vivng spouses, creditors, administrators of the estates, devisees, legatees, trustees, and executors of the Last Will and Testaments, successors in interest and assigns respectively of the following named and designated persons, to-wlt: Olive Strong, Georgia Strong, Ma lissa McDague, Jesse Barnett, Win-field S. Gandy, W. S. Gandy, John Johnson or John Johnston, Jane Johnson or Jane Johnston, Augusta Geiger, Augusta Dailey, Nancy M.

Bear, James W. Geiger, Mary E. Geiger, Susan Winebrenner, Da vid J. Winebrenner, Sarah I. Christian, Oscar R.

Christian, Har riet A. Hutsel, John W. Hutsel, Sa muel Deck, Catharine Deck, Elizabeth Jones, Thomas Jones, George Gunder, Sarah C. Gunder, William Assistant Secretary of State to have charge of security and consular affairs. TPHE latter includes passports and visas, protective services and munitions control.

Because the security function is so closely related to the personnel Droblem. I Mr. Lourie hi, assigned the State uepanmem personnel ofnees to McLeod's bureau. This includes also the Foreign Service Institute where young State Department officers are trained for their work. Scott McLeod was picked for his job and hired by Undersecretary Lourie.

But McLeod was backed for the job by Senator Bridges and nearly all the Republican in the Senate, including Vice President Nixon, and a few Democrats like Sen. Pat Mc-Carran of Nevada. McLeod is also said to have the indorsem*nt of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and the White House. The story around Washington was that McLeod was to be the big axe for "cleaning up the mess.

There were rumors that McLeod's appointment was the political bargaining price which Secretary Dulles had to pay to get Senate confirmation on some of his other appointments. There were suspicions that papers which got on McLeod's desk would be tunneled to Sen. Joe McCarthy's investigating committee. It hasn't worked out that way, or if it has, it has been pretty well covered up. McLeod has insisted on cooperation with ail congressional committees.

1R. McLEOD has refused at least once to testify before the McCarthy committee. This was on the case of Charles E. Bohlcn. during the fight over his confirmation a ambassador to Russia.

DEPARTMENT I I. -fa Broad Shoulder '('-.) Studebaker has received the 1953 (rold medal of Fashion Acadmny noted New York chord of f.ishion denifcn. for "outtttanding deffifin and distinctive styling. The new and excitingly different 1953 htudt-baker, which has been so highly acclaimed as a style leader among automobile, was named outstanding by Fatthioo Academy directors. Paul 8.

Davis, general sales manager for Studebaker, is shown rerwiving the award from Mrs. Emit Alvin Hartman, president of Fashion Academy. Thta cale model that shared in the honors is a Studebaker Commander V-S hardtop nrviiuii. this action is situated In Whitley County, State of Indiana, and described as follows, to-wit: The West Half of Inlots numbered Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Number One (1) in Walker's Second Addition to the Town of Churubusco, Indiana. This action Is instituted and pro secuted by said Plaintiffs for the purpose of quieting title to the real estate above described against all demands, claims and claimants whatsoever and against the world.

NOTICE IS, THEREFORE, HEREBY GIVEN said Defendants that unless they be and appear before the Whitley Circuit Court at the court house in the City of Columbia City, Indiana, on the 10th day of August, 1953, the same being the 107th Judicial Day of the April Term of the Whitley Circuit Court and answer or demur to said Complaint, the same will be heard and determined in their absence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court at the Office of the Clerk thereof in 'the City of Columbia City, Indiana, this 18th day of June, 1953. Kenneth A. Nichols Clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court Gates and Gates Columbia City, Indiana Attorneys for Plaintiffs Dr. Charles R.

Guse OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Visual Training; Glasses Prescribed I H-o-P-R-S 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. dally PHONE 911 123 S. Main Columbia City (Ofice formerly occupied by Dr. Richard FiwcetU Up McLeod says he has refused to Iturn over any papers Congress is not entitled to see.

And has refused several times to take orders from Senator Mc-jCarthy's impetuous young coun-j set, Roy M. Conn, McLeod did not begin his clean-out by firing all the old assistants in his own office and bringing fn his personal gang. There have been a few transfers in McLeod's burea i and he has added to his own oince a small staff of personal assistants nearly all ex-FBI men like himself. McLeod has retained the services of John W. Ford as director of the Office of Security a key job in the clean-up program.

One of McLeod's first calls, after he took over, was on John Ford. McLeod asked him frankly where he began? Where was the big trouble? What 6hould they do first? PORD replied that one of the main troubles was that the chiefs of mission tile State De- fvraar Itairl- va.ia KinJtuj no iti.avi- ing up diplomatic and consular offices abroad were untrujeh- able. McLeod ordered that changed, as one of his first acts. Shortly thereafter several officials high in the Foreign Service were called back to Washington for questioning. So far, a public announcement has been made on only one of these cases.

In testimony before a congressional committee. Undersecretary Lourie announced that Charles W. counsel general in Munich, had been separated from government service on a morals charge, and then resigned. Being instrumental in Mr. Thayer's removal constituted p.

W. Scott McLeod's quiet start on hit ntrw job. STATE CLEAN-UpI H' McLeod. Ex-FBI Aaent. Is Kev Man Little Man With In State Department Clean Frankenstein, the IT A I TT7ASHINGTQN (NEA) Key man and most controversial in the State Department's -Operation Clean-up" Is W.

Scott McLeod. He is 39, Iowa born and educated, an ex-newspaperman, a wartime FBI agent, later administrative assistant to Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire. McLeod is Republican, naturally. He is stocky, a little under six feet in height, with crew-cropped black hair and rosy cheeks.

He wears horn-rimmed glasses. Scatty McLeod was named State Department Administrator of the Bureau Of Security and Consular on Feb. 26, just after ha had left Washington for a delayed vacation in Florida. He came back, reported for work and was sworn in on March 3. SECRETARY of State Dulles has delegated responsibility for the clean-up to subordinates, except on general policy approval and the handling of specific cases like that of the dismissed John Carter Vincent on which he is required by law or by circ*mstances to take personal responsibility.

Primary responsibility has been given to Undersecretary Donold B. Lourie. He is a former president of Quaker Oats of Chicago. Mr. Lourie's assignment is to clean up the State Department He is concentrating on reorganization and administration, however, to eliminate Ted tape and put the Department on a business basis.

The entire work load loyalty and security cases has sen dumped on Scott McLeod, i Undersecretary Lourie's good ght arm. The job that McLeod was ked to take had been created Kcvada Sen. Pat McCarran's ecurtty act. It set up position with the rank of an1 There's a real difference with Allis-Chalmers Level-Depth Cultivators. You can sense it from the tractor's seat the level running, even in rough ground the freedom from vibration.

You can see the difference, too in the even flow of soil the control you have in placing it around plants. Parallel linkage is the key to this new cultivating action. It provides natural penetration without forcing. And get-ready time is reduced to minutes. Swing the front gangs open like a gate and drive your WD or CA Tractor in.

There is a difference in cultivating with Allis-Chalmers Cultivators. Let us prove it in your own field. ft fmt of Ctfy UmHs n30' PHOHE 60-J.

The Commercial-Mail from Columbia City, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.