What to Do With Company Stock If Your Company Goes Public | SoFi (2024)

By Samuel Becker ·November 30, 2023 · 9 minute read

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What to Do With Company Stock If Your Company Goes Public | SoFi (1)

If your company goes public via an IPO, and you’re a stockholder, there are several things you can do, including standing pat and holding your shares, or selling them. But know that holding stock in your company when it goes public can be akin to a roller coaster ride.

There can be a lot of anticipation as the IPO date approaches, but no one really knows what will happen on opening day or during the weeks that follow. With that in mind, before you decide to hold or sell, there are some things to take into consideration.

What Happens During an IPO

During an initial public offering, or IPO, a company offers shares of stock for sale to the general public for the first time — hence the phrase “going public.” Shares of the company are given a starting value known as an IPO price, and when trading begins, the price can rise amid investor demand, or fall if there is little demand.

In any case, the stock will now have some type of value on the open market. As an employee, you may have a stake in the company before the IPO through employee stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), or you may own shares in the company outright.

Employers may offer stock options and restricted stock units (RSUs) as part of a compensation package to help retain top talent and align employee and company incentives — encouraging employees to work hard to make the company, and its stock, successful.

Stock options give employees the right to buy a specific number of shares of the company, at a set price, by the option’s expiration date.

When company stocks start trading on the open market, depending upon any restrictions, employees can decide to hang on to their shares or sell them and use the proceeds to help meet other goals.

💡 Quick Tip: Keen to invest in an initial public offering, or IPO? Be sure to check with your brokerage about what’s required. Typically IPO stock is available only to eligible investors.

Making It Through the Lock-Up Period

That said, when a company goes public, shares and options are often subject to a lock-up period — typically 90 to 180 days — during which company insiders, such as employees, cannot sell their shares or exercise stock options.

Companies typically don’t want employees to flood the market with their stock, which could have a negative effect on the stock price while the company is getting its feet off the ground. When the lock-up period is over, employees are free to exercise their options and sell their shares.

While you’re in the lock-up period, even if it appears that your stocks are suddenly worth a lot of money, that money isn’t in your hands yet. It may be tempting to start spending as if it is, purchasing big-ticket items or putting a down payment on a house. But a lot can happen between an IPO and the end of a lock-up period. So, as the saying goes, don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

The stock market is volatile, and can involve a high degree of risk. If you spend money you have on hand assuming that you’ll be able to pay yourself back once you sell your stock, you may be in for a rude surprise if stock prices fall before then. It may be better to wait until the lock-up period is over before making any big money moves.

Selling Your Shares

If you have decided to sell, the how and when will depend on many factors, but some things that may impact your decision might be whether you own shares outright, have access to shares through employee stock options or through RSUs, and whether the stock has vested. If you already have shares of company stock in-hand, you can usually sell those as soon as the lock-up period ends.

RSUs, on the other hand, are a transfer of restricted stock shares from your employer to give you a certain number of stocks or grants that vest at a later date. Once it does so, the stock is yours to do with what you will. It’s important to note that when restricted stock vests or is transferred to the employee, the fair market value of the stock is included in the employee’s taxable wages. In some cases, RSUs are not taxed until they are fully vested and the company has IPO’d.

You may also have employee stock options, which function much differently than RSUs. A stock option essentially grants you the right to buy company shares at a predetermined price, known as a strike or exercise price.

Stock options are also normally subject to a vesting schedule, but once they vest, you do not have to exercise your right to buy shares immediately, but all stock options come with an expiration date, the last date the option holder must exercise the options or lose them.

For example, say an employee’s exercise price is $60, but the company stock is worth $50 when that employee’s shares vest. If the employee exercised their stock options, they would still have to pay $60 per share, which is more than the stock is worth at that time.

At this point, the stock option is essentially underwater and its value is negative. The employee might choose to wait to exercise their options until the value of the stock is above the exercise price and they can sell the stocks for a profit.

IPOs can be volatile, with share prices swinging up and down. Employees may want to wait for a stock’s prices to stabilize after an IPO to suss out whether it’s the right time to exercise their options.

Options If You Sell

When the lock-up period is over, you may choose to sell your vested shares. In some cases, employees may want to hold on to stock, especially if they anticipate that the price will go up. Other employees may feel they should hold on to stocks out of a sense of loyalty.

However, a concentrated position in any one stock can open you up to risk. If the stock does poorly, it can have an outsized effect on a portfolio. To avoid taking on too much risk, it may make sense to use the proceeds from the sale of company stock to accomplish other goals, such as diversifying your portfolio or paying down debt.

Diversifying Your Portfolio

As mentioned, holding a concentrated position in any one investment can open your portfolio up to additional or unwanted risk. Imagine for a moment that your only investment was the stock you hold in your company.

If stock prices fall, your portfolio will likely feel the full effect of that downward pressure. Now imagine that you hold stock in 100 different companies.

If any one of them does poorly, the effect it will have on your portfolio will be much smaller.

This is the concept behind diversification. A diversified portfolio holds a mix of asset classes, such as stocks and bonds. And within these asset classes, a portfolio likely holds a mix of investments diversified across factors such as size, sector, and geography.

The individual assets in this mix will likely respond in different ways to different market conditions, which can help reduce volatility. For example, a spike in oil prices might hurt some manufacturing stocks but help petroleum stocks.

Selling shares of your company stock and diversifying among a broad group of asset classes might help reduce market risk and volatility inside your portfolio, leaving you less beholden to how one company performs.

Paying Down High Interest Debt

You may also consider selling shares of company stock to pay off high-interest debt. For example, if you carry a balance on your credit card, you could be subject to interest rates of 14% or more. At that rate, your balance can grow quickly, especially if you’re only making minimum payments.

Paying down high-interest debt and saving on interest payments can have a positive impact on your overall finances.

Investing in a Home

Buying a house requires careful planning, even more so when you plan on using company stock to help you do it. There are a number of factors you may want to consider.

First, you might carefully determine whether buying a home is a good investment. You could start by considering how long you plan to stay there. Buying a home comes with all sorts of extra costs, such as appraisal fees, inspection fees, and closing costs.

Housing prices can vary widely from region to region. Keep an eye on housing values in your area to help you determine whether they are likely to rise in the long term. You may want to check out websites that offer market value trends information for the area you are interested in buying.

If you are planning to sell your shares to purchase a house, consider being prepared to sell as soon as you’ve found a house and have been approved for a mortgage loan. Selling right away can help you lock in any gains and help keep you from being at the mercy of market movements. Lenders will also need to verify liquidation before loan closing if the funds are used in the home purchase.

Selling while you know you have enough money to cover a down payment, for example, will help you avoid the risk that stock prices will drop between approval and closing, which could leave you scrambling to find other assets to make up the difference.

Planning for an IPO

If your company goes public, you have options as to what you can do with your shares. Your company IPO and the vesting of your stock are scheduled events, so you can use that to your advantage. You might want to start making a plan as soon as you can if you decide to go the selling route. And make sure you understand the tax consequences of holding or selling your stock and make that consideration a part of your broader tax plan.

For example, RSUs vesting according to their schedule after an IPO might bump you into a higher tax bracket, providing an opportunity to mitigate those effects with other tax-efficient strategies like funding retirement plans. Talk to a tax professional to learn more.

Whether you’re curious about exploring IPOs, or interested in traditional stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you can get started by opening an account on the SoFi Invest® brokerage platform. On SoFi Invest, eligible SoFi members have the opportunity to trade IPO shares, and there are no account minimums for those with an Active Investing account. As with any investment, it's wise to consider your overall portfolio goals in order to assess whether IPO investing is right for you, given the risks of volatility and loss.

For a limited time, opening and funding an Active Invest account gives you the opportunity to get up to $1,000 in the stock of your choice.


Should you exercise stock options before a company goes public?

It’s possible to exercise stock options before a company goes public, but it’s impossible to say whether any individual should, as circ*mstances vary between individuals and companies. It may be worth discussing your options with a financial professional.

Are stock options worthless if a company never goes public?

Stock options may become worthless if a company never goes public, or they may lose considerable value. There’s no guarantee that they will do so, however.

Is it better to exercise options before or after an IPO?

It may be relatively common to exercise stock options before a company goes public so as to best take advantage of any post-IPO share value increases.

SoFi Invest®
SoFi Invest encompasses two distinct companies, with various products and services offered to investors as described below:Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of these platforms.
1) Automated Investing and advisory services are provided by SoFi Wealth LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser (“SoFi Wealth“). Brokerage services are provided to SoFi Wealth LLC by SoFi Securities LLC.
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Neither the Investment Advisor Representatives of SoFi Wealth, nor the Registered Representatives of SoFi Securities are compensated for the sale of any product or service sold through any SoFi Invest platform.Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circ*mstances.Investing in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss. Further, there are a variety of risk factors to consider when investing in an IPO, including but not limited to, unproven management, significant debt, and lack of operating history. For a comprehensive discussion of these risks please refer to SoFi Securities’ IPO Risk Disclosure Statement. IPOs offered through SoFi Securities are not a recommendation and investors should carefully read the offering prospectus to determine whether an offering is consistent with their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

New offerings generally have high demand and there are a limited number of shares available for distribution to participants. Many customers may not be allocated shares and share allocations may be significantly smaller than the shares requested in the customer’s initial offer (Indication of Interest). For SoFi’s allocation procedures please refer to IPO Allocation Procedures.

Claw Promotion: Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $25 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%. See full terms and conditions.SOIN1023156

What to Do With Company Stock If Your Company Goes Public | SoFi (2024)


What to Do With Company Stock If Your Company Goes Public | SoFi? ›

What happens to my private shares when a company goes public? Once a company goes public (typically done through a process called an IPO, or initial public offering), your private shares become public shares, and they become worth the public trading price of the shares.

What happens to my shares when my company goes public? ›

Many companies enter a lock-up period following the launch of an IPO. During that time, company insiders aren't allowed to sell their company shares. The lock-up period typically lasts between 90 to 180 days. The lock-up period is designed to stabilize the price of shares after an IPO is launched.

What happens to my stocks if a company goes private? ›

When a public company goes private, it's delisted from the stock market and is no longer owned by its shareholders. Control instead goes to an individual or a select group of private shareholders. There are many reasons why companies choose to go private. One is privacy.

What typically happens to stock prices after IPO? ›

Oftentimes newly IPO'd stock “pops” on the first day of trading. In fact, the average first day return from the IPO price has been ~19% historically. That doesn't mean all IPOs go up, there's a wide range of potential outcomes, but on average, IPOs are underpriced relative to where they end their first trading day.

Should you buy stock when a company goes public? ›

As a prospective shareholder, keeping an eye on the IPO calendar and buying stock when a company goes public might seem like an easy way to get in early. However, positive media attention garnered by an IPO may or may not mean it's an appropriate investment. “Not all IPOs are proven to be long-term winners.

How do owners make money from an IPO? ›

An IPO raises money by offering shares of stock in a company to institutional and retail investors. When investors purchase those stocks, the company gets to keep the proceeds, after paying underwriters, the exchange, and others that helped with the IPO process.

Do shareholders make money when a company goes public? ›

Since the shareholders don't get a piece of the profits, the only way to make money on the stock is to buy low and sell high (or buy low and hold for awhile, perhaps until retirement, and then sell, however you want to look at it). So there really isn't any intrinsic reason for a company to seek a higher stock price.

Do you lose your money if a stock is delisted? ›

The value of shares doesn't automatically rise or fall with a delisting, but when an involuntary listing takes place, it's often a sign that a company is approaching bankruptcy. In this case, there's a chance investors might lose their investment.

Can I refuse to sell my shares when a company goes private? ›

If you own shares in a public company that goes private, you must sell your shares at the acquisition price that's been agreed to by the parties.

Can you cash out private company stock? ›

If you own shares of stock in a privately held company, your options for selling the are limited. You can sell them back to the company, to an accredited investor, or on a private-securities market. You could also encourage the company to do an initial public offering (IPO).

Do stocks go up after going public? ›

Do IPOs Usually Go Up or Down? Although stocks increase an average of 18.4% on their first day of trading, 31% of IPOs decrease when they start to trade. Calculations of IPO profits show that almost 50% of IPOs decrease from their day-one trading price on their second day of trading.

Should I sell shares after IPO? ›

As per research and surveys conducted by several traders, most IPOs tend to perform well on their listing days. The performance of an IPO also largely depends upon the timing and market situation it is listed in. However, selling on a listing day is always better than selling after two to three years.

Do companies make money after IPO? ›

When a company goes public, the company initially gets all of the money raised through the IPO. When the shares trade on a stock exchange after the IPO, the company does not get any of that money. That is money that is exchanged between investors through the buying and selling of shares on the exchange.

What happens to your stock when your company goes public? ›

That said, when a company goes public, shares and options are often subject to a lock-up period — typically 90 to 180 days — during which company insiders, such as employees, cannot sell their shares or exercise stock options.

What to do when my company is IPOs? ›

Once an IPO has launched, a lock-up period begins. During that time—usually 90 to 180 days—company shareholders are not allowed to sell their shares. The lock-up is designed to prevent insiders from flooding the market with their shares, which would depress the price of the stock for everybody.

Do employees make money in an IPO? ›

Do employees make money in an IPO? With a high enough share price, a startup's employees could become a lot richer by selling their stocks. This is especially true for employees who joined in the company's early stages, and who usually own a larger percentage of the business.

When a company goes public where do the shares come from? ›

Methods of going public are an initial public offering (IPO) of newly issued shares using an underwriter syndicate, including a lead investment banking firm, direct listing of shares as a secondary offering of previously held investor shares without underwriters, or going public through a merger with an already-public ...

What happens to private equity when a company goes public? ›

In fact, many companies that go public were first funded by private equity. When a private company goes public, existing shareholders maintain equity in the firm. Their private shares convert to public shares, and their value is determined by the public trading price.

How do existing shareholders benefit from IPO? ›

– An IPO provides existing shareholders, including company founders, with the opportunity to sell their shares to the public, thereby realizing profits. However, it also subjects them to ongoing regulatory requirements and shareholder expectations.

Can you sell IPO shares immediately? ›

Yes, you can sell IPO shares on the day of listing. A retail investor who has received an allocation in the IPO may sell his shares at any time on or after the listing date.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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